The others dont like you

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This is sort of like a part two but isn't. I am starting a new mini series (the others (mostly girls) don't like you) I'm not doing any part twos I'll just keep going on with the mini series, like the fake girlfriend mini series.

The others don't like you and they pull a prank on you

Harry - you were sitting in the passenger seat of Harry's Ferrari on your way to the beach.

"I don't get it, why didn't you want to go to the beach? It's such a lovely day, plus we'll get to see the whole gang again" he said excitedly, giving you a gentle nudge with his elbow.

"That's why" you mumbled looking at the passing scenery.

"What" Harry asked

"Oh nothing, just wondering if I left the bath on.. I don't think I did"


"Hey guys" Harry smiled as he held you by the waist and approached the crew already set out on their sun loungers and beach towels

"Hey!" The boys and girls smiled - for once. You clung close to Harry until the girls called for you

"Y/n, y/n! We've saved you a seat" called Perrie and Barbara at the same time. You smiled slightly and Harry gave you a small push in their direction (after giving your bum a hard but cheeky slap). Your cover up blew in the gentle breeze letting the blue bikini strings show around your neck slightly. "Just for you" they said showing the laid out chair. You smiled and leaned down to sit in it before you felt the cold sensation on your bum. After you had realised you had sat on an ice cream the chair was already folding on top of you, hitting your left shin and folding your right leg in with it. You screamed in a mixture of pain and surprise of the freezing sensation on your rear end. As the girls giggled hysterically, the boys began to look concerned. Harry was up in a second and unfolded the chair for you and helped you back up. None of the girls seemed to care that you were quite seriously hurt as they were too busy laughing at the photo Sophia managed to capture of the moment.

Liam - Liam had invited the boys round, he invited the girls as well so you guys would be able to bond more. You decided you could bake cupcakes together, childish but fun.

*Perries POV*

We shuffled awkwardly into Liam and his new girls' house, hugging Liam and walking past the girl. None of us liked her - and for fair reason. She was just a cheaper copy of Danielle and Sophia.

"Erm y/n thought you guys should bake some cupcakes" Liam awkwardly said to us holding her waist. I nearly burst out laughing but contained it unlike Barbara and Eleanor. Y/n walked into the kitchen with her head down as our boyfriends nudged us to stop us from being so 'rude'.

"Hey, I heard y/ns allergic to mayonnaise" Eleanor whispered to Barbara as we walked into their kitchen

"So?" Barbara laughed

"So, what if someone was to mix the butter up with mayo?" Ellie whispered in Barbara ear


"I don't want any part of this" I sighed and laughed "so If you kill her it's not my fault"

"Fine" Ellie laughed.

"Erm, I've already weighed the flour and stuff out but if you could mix two eggs with some butter that would be great" she smiled, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Of course, I love cupcakes" Barbara said very unsubtly up to something.

"Good job" I whisper

Ellie and Barbara gathered near the fridge and cracked to eggs, they opened the fridge quietly and squeezed some mayo into the bowl. They mixed it well as I got out my phone and checked my Instagram feed.

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