You wear his clothes

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This is just a short gentle one because I like to segregate my big ones (I.e. The ones that are really dramatic and come in two parts) so if you have any ideas for a big one next week leave requests :)

Liam - ***HIS POV*** I stumbled down the stairs slowly and groaned as my head moved slightly, I held it and trudged to the kitchen to get some water. I heard some gentle humming and sizzling as I entered the kitchen and was greeted by y/n dancing subtly as she was cooking something. Her gorgeously moulded body was covered by my boxers and one of my t-shirts, and honestly she never looked hotter. It was amazing how just by being woken by this heavenly sight I already felt better,
"Hi baby" she smiled turning to give me a kiss,
"Hey" I grumbled in my scratchy morning voice she loved so much
"How was last night?" She smiled handing me some pancakes
"Fun. Can't remember half of it" I laughed to myself.

Niall - you secured the flannel of Niall's around your waist and looked in the mirror, you were going to the gym and you didn't like how much your yoga pants showed off your butt so you'd always wear something over it. You walked downstairs and grabbed your water bottle and phone and set off to meet your friend at the gym,
"Bye Niall" you called
"Hey, firstly where's my kiss? Secondly, where my flannel?" He asked as you heard him walking towards you
"I'm wearing it if that's okay, but if you need it I can tak-" you said beginning to unfasten it
"Nope it looks better on you anyway" he smiled holding you by the waist and leaning in for a kiss.

Harry - "here's some stuff babe" he smiled laying out the folded items on his bed as you ran a bath.
"Thank you, but are you sure you don't want me to drive home quickly and get some of my own clothes." You asked still shivering from your snow ball fight.
"Not in this weather babe" he smiled coming closer to you "plus you look adorable in my clothes" he said rubbing his nose on yours, his clothes did make you look adorable. Your body looked so petite when you wore his much larger clothes, his sleeves often falling over your hands and the sweats falling down your hips with every step.

Louis - "you're kidding right?" You asked looking at him flapping the long sleeves.
"No! You look adorable" he smiled, he leant you some of his clothes so you could play football with him and the boys but you weren't so sure of his fashion choice.
"No, I look homeless" you corrected him shuffling passed him, as you passed him the sweats fell down your legs revealing your pants making you yelp and quickly pull them up. "I can't play like this!" You laughed
"Course you can, it'll be part of the game" he joked slapping your bum and walking away.

Zayn - you sat shivering on the sofa under the two blankets Zayn already gave you as you attempted to watch the movie you had playing,
"Are you still cold babe?" He asked genuinely surprised and worried,
"Yeah, sorry I guess I'm cold blooded" you giggled, rubbing your arms to warm you up,
"Here take my hoodie" he offered taking it off, his top lifting slightly as he did,
"No seriously it's fine" you declined politely,
"I'm too hot anyway" he said pulling it over your head as his scent engulfed you, 'yes you are' you said in your thoughts and chuckled lightly.


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