Cloud watching

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Cloud watching

Niall: you two (like in up) went to the top of a hill in the countryside and set up your picnic, you both lay down after eating and looked at the clouds floating by.
"They're so relaxing to look at" niall said.
"Yeah, look at that one, it sort of looks like a pig" you chuckled,
"and thats a sheep" niall added, you snuggled your head into his chest and listened to his heart slowly but steadily beating.

Liam:liam and you were in your garden sitting on the chairs on your patio eating breakfast.
"You're an amazing cook you know" liam said swallowing his mouthful of hash browns.
"Haha thank you, you ain't to bad yourself" you laughed holding his hand.
"The sky's so clear today, only a few clouds in the sky, that one looks like a dragon" he said pointing to the sky.
"Yeah it does.. Er... Well not anymore" you laughed as the dragon turned into a mis-shaped dog.

Louis: louis and you were on a boat on holiday just enjoying each others company, you were lying down staring at the sky through your sunglasses.
"Hey look at that cloud, it's sort of looks like a puppy" louis said pulling you into a tight hug,
"Oh yeah!" You laughed
"And that one is like a cat!" He said pointing to another cloud.
"I guess it does" you said. "Hey that's a car!" You said pointing above you.
"Oh no it's going to run over the snail in front of it!" Louis laughed

Zayn: zayn and you were on the tour bus as zayn wanted to take you on your will him around france. You were lying in your shared bunk looking through the little sun roof,
"Hey you see that cloud there? It looks like a squirrel" zayn said randomly.
"Yeah, ahah, I guess it does" you said turning to face him
"And the one next to it looks like a heart" he added.
"Mhhm" you mumbled into his chest as he continued to diagnose what shape the clouds were.

Harry: "hey look at that one" harry said squeezing your hand and pointing to the cloud with his free hand, "it looks like a pillow"
"Darling, it's a square" you said turning over to lie on top of him
"Ohpff" he said as you climbed onto him, you two where in a meadow just outside of your home town and you two had set up a nice picnic.
"I love you"
"I love you too" you replied kissing his nose

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