"You're not my daddy"

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"You're not my daddy"

Liam - **HIS POV** I yanked my suitcase from the boot of my car and locked it. I trudged through the heavy British rain to our front door, I could hardly wait to see our little Alicia and most importantly my gorgeous wife y/n.
The door burst open to reveal y/n smiling a wide and beautiful smile.
"Liam!" She screamed running towards me and jumping into my arms. I inhaled her scent which I had missed so much and nearly began to cry.
"I've missed you boo" I chuckled giving her a kiss, she wrapped her hands behind my neck and deepened the kiss. "Where's Ali?" I smiled when we broke apart. Her smile faded slightly which made my heart sink. "Is she okay?"
"Yes of course but, just, come with me" she sighed holding my hand and dragged me into the house, I picked up my suitcase and began to run out of the rain and into the house. "Ali baby. Daddy's here" she hummed. I heard her squeal as her mother entered her bedroom, she kicked her legs about and gnawed on her fingers slightly. Her eyes traveled to me and the shine in her eyes dimmed, she stopped moving about and looked at me blankly. "Ali, come here baby" she huffed and she lifted her from her cot. "Say hi to daddy" she sang bouncing her up and down slowly towards me. Her face scrunched up as I reached for her, not the reaction I earned in the 8 months I spent with her before going on tour; she looked at me with caring eyes and trusted her father, obviously not anymore.
"Baby what are you doing? It's daddy" she asked softly, kissing her forehead then mine. Alicia's face contorted, wails and screamed broke out in the air as I held her for a second. "Baby, it's daddy silly" she lightly laughed trying to get her to smile again. Every cry and scream my beautiful daughter released broke my heart a little more. A tear fell down my cheek as I stared numbly at my once happy to see me daughter. "That's enough for one day" she sighed and took Ali out of my shaking hands, her shrieks silenced as she returned back to her mothers safe arms. "Good night baby" she whispered kissing her forehead and then held my hand to take me out of the room.
I shuffled out of the room and leaned against the wall of the hallway. Y/n huffed and slowly brought her eyes to mine, "li, I tried so hard, I showed her photos of you everyday and videos of you two together but, she's young. She gets surprised every time she sees her toes for gosh sake how do you think she'd be reacting to seeing a tall muscly man walk into her room and pick her up after not seeing him for however long.. I- I'm sorry, li I really tried" she whispered nearly in tears at the sight. Her small arms wrapped around my frame as I couldn't control the tears from falling any longer.

Louis -**your pov** you held your gorgeous daughter Kayleigh on your waist as you strode towards Louis' large mansion that was once yours as well. You pulled Kayleigh's top down and tucked her hair behind her ear
"Mama, do I have to see daddy?" She whined leaning into you.
"Yes baby, it's your daddy you're seeing! Daddy's fun!" You faked
"No he's not" for a nine year old she's smart.
"Yes he is, what other dad lets you stay up past seven and gives you marshmallows for pudding?" You asked, 'an irresponsible one' you thought to yourself.
"You said marshmallows rot your teeth if you have them every pudding" she hummed
"They do, which is why I make sure you have lots of vegetables at home, if you want big strong teeth like mine, You need to eat your vegetables" you taught as you knocked on the door once more, no answer. You couldn't face anymore interrogation from your daughter so reached under the bush by the side of the porch for the spare key. You opened the door and called into the large house, "go on baby, go find daddy" you smiled looking around the large front hall, She skipped upstairs and ran into Louis' room.

**his pov** I stirred in bed as an annoying squeaky sound rang through my ears. I opened my eyes to see my 9 year old daughter Kayleigh staring at me, she was a mistake. Admittedly it seemed nice at the time to have a child with y/n but who was I kidding? I was way too young to have kids; never mind her, I had a whole future ahead of me and I wasn't letting either of them get in my way. Y/n of course forced me to be the fatherly figure in her life no matter how much she despised me for my choices so every weekend Kayleigh visits and I swear it is hell, most look forward to the weekend; not me - I'm pretty sure I'm the only person on this planet who likes Mondays.
I turned over in bed and pushed the blonde next to me to wake her up, she grunted then came to her senses.
"Kay, why don't you wait with mum, daddy with be down soon" I said shooing her from my room.
The blonde got up and shrugged her tight dress on from last night, she then looked in the mirror by the door and left without saying a word. Good.

**your pov** you picked up your daughter as she bared the message Louis gave her, as you positioned her on your hip you saw the women limp down the stairs with one broken heel and smudged lipstick, looking like death itself. Your jaw hung low as Kayleigh whimpered into your chest, afraid of the strange being coming towards her. She gave a small smirk and left.
You heard footsteps thumping slowly down the stairs and you prepared yourself for another tough handover.
"Hi there, y/n" he groaned
"Hi. I'll be by to collect her at 5pm Sunday night, I expect her things and herself ready to leave as soon as I get here" you said sternly.
"Whatever" he sighed, you let your daughter down shakily, debating if it was a good idea or not as per usual. She needs time with her father and you need this time to work.
"I love you baby, stay safe, be sensible" you instructed to her, you leant down and whispered in her ear "and don't do anything you don't want to or anything I wouldn't be okay with"
"Okay mummy" she said looking up at you
"Love you so much" you smiled puckering your lips for her to meet with her own.
"Love you more mummy" she smiled, weakly placing her lips to yours and making a big 'mwah' noise.
"C'mon Kay, daddy's got a fun day planned" Louis instructed, holding out his hand for her to take. She looked up at you once more then walked towards her father.

**his pov** "So what will we be doing?" She asked as y/n closed the door,
"Well I've got new Xbox games I want to try out so you can watch me do that" I said sitting down on the sofa in the living room
"Oh, same as last week" she huffed
"I know you love routine" I said sarcastically. After a few hours of me trying out the new games Kayleigh began to wriggle about and squirm. "What's wrong" I snapped "you what, need the toilet?" I asked at her childish behaviour. She looked up at me with submissive eyes,
"I'm just bored"
"The world doesn't revolve around you sweetheart" I grumbled going back to my game
"Well it doesn't revolve around you either" she replied sassily.
"That's it! Time out" I said throwing the controller on the sofa beside me and grabbing her wrist to take her to the corner of the room where I had a small stool set up.
"I'm too old for time out!" She shouted trying to loosen my grip on her arm,
"Oi! That's no way to speak to your daddy!" I shouted in her face pointing a finger at her.
"You're not my daddy" she snarled. My heart felt as if it stopped for a second, my finger lowered and my face fell. I was speechless. It felt as if everything I didn't know was there had been ripped away from me as I stood there in shock... I didn't quite understand how something like that, from someone I didn't want could hurt somebody like me.

Niall - you heard your six year old girl shrieking with delight as Niall lifted her gently in the air as you cooked dinner. Izzy's father left us when you were only three months pregnant, since then he cut off all contact with you and her to pursue what he perceived as a better life. You bumped into Niall on Izzy's 5th birthday when you took her to her favourite park, when she heard the ice cream truck she ran after it; sprinting across three busy roads in the process, as she walked straight across the last road a car obviously didn't spot her in time and if Niall hadn't been there goodness knows what would of happened. When you had caught up with them, you were a sobbing, spluttering mess. You thanked him endlessly and exchanged details, later on that heroic action flowered into a beautiful romance.
"Izzy, where's daddy?" Niall asked playfully hiding behind the sofa, but her laughs died down and you became anxious.
"He left us" she whispered.
"No. I'm here silly" Niall laughed standing up and waving his hands.
"You're not my daddy" she whispered, your heart began to race and you marched into the room they were in, you saw Niall stand behind the sofa looking slightly defeated.
"Izzy, don't say that. He cares for you just like a father and he loves you endlessly" you explained picking her up and holding her to your hip.
"But he's still not my daddy, no matter how hard he tries he will never be my daddy!" Isabella shouted frustrated at the fact you two seemed to not get the point.
"Izzy, go to your room" you said sternly, letting her down.
"But I haven't done anything wrong" she complained
"You've hurt the man that cared for you when your real dad left us both. Now go!" You commanded pointing to her room. She hung her head low and trudged out of the room, muttering to herself.
"I, I think I'm gunna go" Niall spoke up
"Where? you live here." You whispered worriedly fiddling with your chipped nails.
"Just for a stroll. She's right, I'm not her dad and I need to stop pretending to her and to myself that I am" he mumbled
"No Niall! You are, you cared for her more than that dick ever did, I'm ashamed to call him her father when I have you here caring for her and loving her like a real dad" you muttered, chocking over your tears. "You may not be her biological father but you will always be her dad" you whimpered as his vision was blurred with tears; He nodded slowly and opened his arms for you to snuggle into.

Harry - Darcy was spending the day at her dads and was excited as always to go.
"Got everything?" You asked as you pulled out of your drive, she fiddled in her pink backpack then nodded. "Good girl, what do you think you'll be doing today boo?" You asked
"I don't know, hopefully it will just be me and him; I like it when no ones there to distract him" she hummed looking out of the window.
"Aw, baby I'm sorry. He told me his new girlfriend would be there, I didn't tell you as I didn't think you'd mind.. We can go a different day if you want" you offered knowing she'd be disappointed.
"No it's okay, at least I get to see him" she smiled, you were proud of her for dealing so well with your divorce with Harry. She was only five when it happened and these past two years had been a struggle but not for her, she accepted that we were both hurting so learned to work around us. She was treated the way she deserved either way so she figured it didn't matter.
"Darc, we're here" you said pulling into his drive way.
"Yay!" She squealed picking up her backpack and only unbuckling herself when the car came to a complete stop as you taught her.
"Good girl" you praised her as you opened the door for her.
"Thank you mummy" she smiled running towards the front door and ringing the doorbell ten times at least making you chuckle
"Alright! Alright! I'm here!" You heard someone grumble, your smile faded and you walked towards the door worriedly. Harry unlocked the door and looked down at his child, his usual smile wasn't there instead he just scratched his head "was that today?" He looked at you as if you had got it wrong
"Everyday weekend you're home Harry" you said picking her up and placing her on your hip.
"Yeah whatever, the TVs there and you know where the food is" he muttered walking away for Darcy to find her own way in.
"Harry. How could you forget, she was so excited, you know how much it means to her" you whispered as she slowly walked into the sitting room and unpacked her colouring book and pencils.
"I didn't forget, I just went out with Ali last night and well I'm a little hung over and we were just having a relaxing day so I guess.. It slipped my mind." He reasoned
"Harry, two days a week is all I ask of you to look after your child. If you can't be bothered to do that maybe I shouldn't bother arranging these" you said hurt he didn't care for your seven year old anymore.
"Shut up. I do try, I try damn hard and face it, she loves me more than you; these are the highlights of her month so she would just complain if we stopped seeing each other" he snarled
"Harry" you breathed, upset at what he just said.
"You told me to move on. I'm trying to but you're not letting me! I'm just trying to see my child, not because I want to, because I have to! And you always butt in and make it about you when I have Ali! Get over your self just let me be with her and stop being a jealous cow! I'm trying to tour the world in my number 1 biggest boy band, have a relationship with my girlfriend and be a daddy to a child I don't need-" He shouted getting red in the face.
"No Harry, you're not my daddy" Darcy butted in
"What are you talking about of course I'm your dad" Harry just laughed pettily
"well yes, but I mean I don't want you to be my dad anymore, don't want to see you anymore" you looked at Darcy in astonishment, you knew one of the things she loved most was spending time with Harry so you were so shocked she had stood up to him for you.
"But, Darc, what are you saying. You love me?" Harry whispered crouching down to her.
"I love you, but if you don't love me or mummy and treat us with respect I don't want you to be my daddy, mummy looked after me when you didn't and at least I know she actually loves me and wants to be around me" she spoke slowly to him, she reached for your hand and shrugged her backpack on. You were shocked when you were dragged out by her and so was Harry.

Zayn - Talia has always been a real daddy's girl so when you two got a divorce she was torn apart, she would always visit him but she noticed how his interest in her was slowly disintegrating into nothing.
Talia hummed to herself as she was cooking herself fried eggs for breakfast, even at the age of 11 she knew how to look after herself and be completely independent.
"Daddy, do you want some eggs?" She shouted
"No" he grumbled from the living room
"Alright" she huffed upset he didn't accept her sweet gesture.
As she realised she was only cooking for one she decided on cooking in a smaller pan, her fathers crockery was displayed high above Talia's head "daddy, could you just come and help me real quick?" she asked looking up at the pans.
"C' mon talia, you're old enough to do these things on your own" he sighed eyes obviously glued to the TV.
She rolled her eyes and dragged a kitchen chair below where the pans were and stood on it, even on this high chair she had to stand on her tip toes to reach it. Her finger tips brushed on the bottom of the pan but the chair began to wobble, her hand darted to the nearby glass cabinet but a little too quickly; sending her hand through the glass, leaving gashes all up her arms.
"Dad!" She screamed in pain
"C'mon Tal, if you can't even cook an egg without my assistance we have a serious problem" Zayn sighed not paying any attention to his daughter in pain, she heard him stand up but only to close the door between the kitchen and sitting room.
Talia's foot slipped on the chair sending her plummeting to the ground, a loud crunch echoed in the hall as she landed. She looked back at her crippled leg through her teary eyes and whimpered.
"Daddy" she croaked out but not load enough, she was a sobbing mess; looking at the clock she saw you were going to be there in a matter of minutes to pick her up after her over night stay, so if she didn't have the strength to summon her dad she would have to wait. "Dad! Please" she whimpered through her tears constantly.
As you pulled up to Zayn's house you knocked at the door smiling. Zayn opened the door, gave a weak smile and lead you to the kitchen, he stopped dead and gasped. You took this as a warning so you pushed him aside to see what had happened. You choked on your own breath when you saw your daughter in a crumpled heap.
"Talia! Baby! What happened" you asked running through the broken glass to cradle her.
"I tried to make breakfast but I slipped.. and fell.. and dad didn't hear me.." she stuttered through her tears.
"It's okay baby, I'm getting you to the hospital" you croaked picking her up and walking her out carefully, not even looking at Zayn.
When you got to A&E they told her she had a broken leg and managed to remove all the glass from her arm, despite the scars it was sure to leave.
You were in the hallway outside of her room pacing as you weren't allowed in when you heard Zayn and co. running down the hall.
"Babe I'm sorry-" he started, coming up to hug you.
"Don't even start. You ignored your daughter for long enough and this was the result, you deserve every inch of guilt in your body as this was your fault! When she gets out of hospital I'll be filing a restraining order and so help me-" you began ranting balling your fists.
"Mr Malik and Miss (your/last/name)" the doctor interrupted you. You sighed and walked in slowly, Zayn was patted on the back by his band members then followed you.
"Princess, are you okay" you asked running beside her
"I'm okay mum" she chuckled at your over the top reaction.
"Baby, daddy's so sorry-" Zayn began to ramble but Talia stopped him by holding her hand up to silence him.
"You're not my daddy!" she laughed darkly "My mum and I have spoken and we decided its best for all of us if, erm, we don't see you anymore" she stuttered, her bottom lip quivering.
"Baby! But this isn't what you want is it? You want to see me don't you? You still love me right?" Zayn asked pulling at his unsettled hair.
"I do. This isn't what I want you're right but you brought this upon yourself when you began to ignore me all those months ago" she shouted crying.
"Zayn, I think it's best you go" you spoke looking at the wall
"Wha- no guys. I love you both even if you don't think so, and-" he began, fighting back his tears.
"It's too late Zayn. If you loved us you should of shown us when you had us. Now it's too late" your daughter spoke slowly as her eyes were being underlined with tears.


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