You're his celeb crush

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This is my 100th preference!!!!! That's mental, thank you guys who vote and comment, and well just thanks for reading.
I love you guys so much!

Liam- you were on the red carpet of the Brits, you were a solo artist and despite this being your first year, you had already won 16 awards.
You were taking seat when someone tapped your shoulder, you turned and you nearly exploded. LIAM PAYNE TAPPED YOUR SHOULDER! keep it cool
"Hi," you said smiling
"Hi, I'm liam I just wanted to say hi" he said
"Oh, well, hi" you repeated trying to move the conversation forward.
"Hi" he said again, something you noticed was that he hadn't blinked
"Erm yeah I have a nice night then" you said turning back around
"Wait! what I wanted to say was you wanna go to McDonalds after here?"
You giggled at his offer then realised he was being serious so you answered
"Of course" you laughed

Interviewer:so harry I've heard you have taken a fancy to that actress y/n y/l/n
Harry: yep
Liam: it's coz in her that trilogy she wore near to no clothes
Niall: and he thinks she has big boobs
Zayn: and ass
Harry: thanks guys
I:well I happen to be a friend of her and I told her,
H: oh god
I: she said you were her favourite of one direction
Louis: nice one mate

Zayn- "guy, oh my god guess what" zayn shrieked
"What?" niall asked
"Y/n retweeted one of my tweets" he said shoving his phone in nialls face
"Cool dude"
"I know right, she knows who I am" zayn said in astonishment looking at his phone again, and the screen illuminated his face in his dark tour bunk
"Yeah, well I think she already knew who you were mate, we've sort of been everywhere" harry laughed
"Yeah, well she hasn't retweeted any of your tweets" zayn boasted

Louis-it was the premiere of your new movie, loads of celebrities were invited but that night was all about you.
"Hey" someone said, you turned around and saw louis Tomlinson. You tried your absolute hardest to contain your self but it was hard,
"Hi" you smiled
"I just wanted to congratulate you, I love your work"
"Aww thanks I'd congratulate you for something but you've sort of taken over the world, so congratulations for world domination" you giggled, and he chuckled at too.
"I was wondering If I could see a movie with you some time as it must be rather tiring being in them 24:7"

Niall-you were just in the middle of one of your concerts when you spotted niall horan backstage. You kept your cool but you just wanted the show to end so you could go and see him,
As you ran off the stage you pretended you didn't spot him so he approached you
"Hey I'm a big fan" you turned and smiled at him and his gesture
"Aww thank you, me too"
"I love your dress, you always look so beautiful" he complimented looking at the ground
"Thank you always look handsome too" you giggled
"I was wondering if you want to go for dinner at some point?" He said rubbing the nape of his neck.
"Of course" you smiled as he Made full eye contact with you.

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