funniest moment

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Louis-you and Louis were on a walk in the countryside and it was quite rainy (in England?! surprise surprise) so there were lots of puddles. Louis and you saw some 11 year old boys in the bushed laughing uncontrollably but you thought nothing of it and kept walking, you were jumping in puddles and so was Louis until he reach a huge puddle and jumped in but it was really deep so he fell in the puddle which went up to his chest. Making you laugh and fall on the floor crying because it was so funny, even Louis thought it was funny so he started laughing too.

liam- you and liam were in the cinema and liam was constantly making you laugh. After he had stopped making you laugh so you took a big sip of your drink and liam said something really funny making you spit out the drink onto the row in front of you, 5 people turned around in disgust as you and liam were in hysterics. You grabbed liams hand as you were still laughing to take him out the cinema.  

zayn- you and zayn were in the park and you we throwing the ball for your puppy.

"wouldn't it be funny if y/d/n tripped someone over?" zayn chuckled,

"yeah, but he's tiny, no one would ever trip over that" you laughed pointing to the tiny thing going crazy running after the ball. He ran quickly towards you two as a man walked in front of him, the man saw him and tried to move so he wouldn't step on him but ended up falling over a big stone behind him making zayn and you laugh until your stomachs hurt.

(inspired by Jenna marbles)

Harry-you and harry were cycling and there was a huge steep hill,

"dare you to go down it" you said to harry

"you first" he said

"fine" you said getting onto your bike and cycling down, suddenly there was a squirrel in the road, you were going so fast you couldn't move or you'd crash and same if you applied the brakes so you went head first for it suspecting it to move, but it didn't. You closed your eyes and felt a bump. When you and harry were at the end harry was crying with laughter,

"did you see that squirrel? it was like cut in half" harry spluttered out as he laughed.

Niall-you and niall were in bed in the morning, you got up slowly so niall wouldn't wake but he started grumbling as you moved near the bathroom door. You turned around and looked at him as his eyes started to open,

"mhm, morning baby" niall whispered

"hey baby" you said bending down to kiss him, he cupped your face and kissed you. He however started applying more pressure, and you fell back hitting your head on the bedside table behind you.

"ahhhh" you screamed,

"baby I'm so sorry" niall said laughing along with you.

instagram @itsgoodtoimagine

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