she looks so perfect

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they say we're too young now

to amount to anything else

louis- (you're both in nursery) you and louis were sitting on the top of the monkey bars looking down at your friends. Louis had his hand on your hand, not holding it but it was still there.

"do you think we're going to get married when we're older?" you asked looking at him

"of course" louis simply stated "we can get married now if you want" he said making you giggle.

"not now silly, we're not old enough" you said steadying yourself so you didn't fall off.

"yes we are, we can get married there" he said pointing at the tree house.

"I need a ring" you said crossing your arms. Louis looked around for a bit then jumped down from the bars and dug around in his bag.

"come here" he said, you being not as fearless as louis, shuffled to the side as climbed down the ladder.

"will you y/n marry me?" he said kneeling down and holding his hand out for yours. You placed your hand in his and he gently drew a yellow line around your index finger with his crayola pen.

"yes" you smiled. Louis got up and smiled at you, you two stared at each other for a bit but you suddenly had a thought that made your little stomach churn "but does that mean we need to kiss?" you whispered in horror making

Louis laugh


You look so perfect standing there

In my American apparel underwear

Niall-you began to return to the world as you felt a string on kisses being placed on your neck.

"morning" niall mumbled

"Morning" you smiled turning around to face him, you placed your hand on his chest and kissed his nose making it scrunch up and making niall snigger.

Despite the fact he didn't have his eyes open yet, he still looked perfect. His grip on your waist tightened and he pulled you closer nuzzling his head in your neck groaning.

"Breakfast" he suggested, opening his eyes but still squinting.

"How incredibly sexist of you Mr Horan to expect the women to make breakfast" you chuckled kissing his nose again.

"It's just we both know you won't burn the house down" he smiled causing you to groan and wiggle out of his grip and get out of bed, already wearing his t-shirt but grabbing some knickers off the floor and putting them on.

As you headed out of your room you heard niall chuckling.

"What?" You said feeling self conscious all of a sudden.

"You must be pretty tired as you haven't noticed what you're wearing" he pointed to your lower half. You looked down and saw you had accidentally pulled on nialls boxers.

"Oh, I don't know. They look good" you joked, jumping around and doing a runway walk to his side of the bed and shaking your ass infront of him.

"They most defiantly do" niall chuckled smacking your bum.

Your lipstick stain

Is a work of art

Harry- (HIS POV) I walked into our bathroom to observe the damage from last night. A few scratches, not too bad-But the most prominent mark was the trail of red kisses going down my body and gradually fading.

My fingers ran over them slowly replaying last night and smiling.

"Lets see the damage" I heard a voice behind me, it's funny how alike we are. "oh lord" she said leaning forward and gripping the sink so her face got closer to the mirror. She leaned back and touched her matted hair, making my shirt she was wearing fall slightly on her shoulder.

"I think you look perfect" I said placing my hands on her waist and standing behind her. She looked at me in the mirror and smiled, turning round.

"It's a good thing I love you this much" she smiled going on her tip toes to kiss me "or I would totally kill you for ruining my hair"

I've got your name tattooed

In an arrow heart

Zayn- you and zayn were at the beach sunbathing. You were lying with your head on zayns chest and zayn had his arm under his head to keep him propped up. You were nearly asleep just enjoying the silence when you felt zayn moving, you looked up and saw him lean on his elbows and looking down at his chest.

"Y/n" he said getting your attention

"Yeeees" you mumbled with your head still on his chest.

"I was considering getting another tattoo" he said, rubbing a bare patch of his skin.

"What of" you said looking up at him.

"Your name, in a little heart. Just here" he said tapping the skin just above his chest making you groan.

"No, no. God no" you groaned making him laugh.

"Why" he smiled

"Those kind if tattoos are so cringy, every time I see someone with a name in a heart I just die inside" you groan

"Some find it romantic" he said

"But as the one who's name you're tattooing to your chest" you said sitting on his chest. "PERMANENTLY!" you emphasised "I feel I get a say, and personally I find a dinner out or a home cooked meal is more romantic" you smiled at the thought.

I've got your ripped skinny jeans

Lying on the floor

Liam - (his pov) every morning is a struggle, no more good morning kiss.

No more waking up to the sizzling of bacon and the smell of burnt toast. Not to mention the string on curses that fell from her mouth that soon followed.

No more sweet smells greeting me as I entered the house, no more of her random perfume testing sessions.

No more walking in on her with her eyebrows the size of her forehead or her lips the darkest cherry as she was 'experimenting a new look'

No more of her tidying the mess I made in the living room with the boys. The beer cans and random packaging have piled up over time. Every time the boys come round they try to throw them away but I tell them to leave it there for her to clean up-one day I'll wake up to a kiss and a homemade breakfast. Our flat would be spotless yet again, as it should be.

But I guess I just have to keep waiting for that day.

The only reminder I have of her is the bleached worn out jeans she left on my floor, the last item of clothing she wore before the darkness overtook her.


Keep requesting and commenting :) if I've made you smile

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