You're famous and you do a charity event

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You were the celebrity that lead comic relief this year and you had to think of a big challenge to do to raise money. You decided on swimming 10 lengths in every swimming pool in Britain and that's around 3000 so that would be difficult, you spread this over 30 days and you did it. You were so happy, you dyed your hair red and raised £9000 and the boys said they would double it so you got a massive £18000. You had to preform on the night and tell them about the challenge. During that you saw one direction in the audience and they were holding 'we <3 you' banners up which made you laugh. After the event they joined you backstage and niall came in for a huge horan hug.

You were asked to do something weird and wacky for charity because you're a comedian. You decided to go to a starving country and put a smile on every person you passed face. You went to Uganda (don't know if its a deprived country just chose a random one) and walked around the streets and offered to do people's work for them like carrying young children's water to their homes of bring them food. You made many people smile, you also gave out balloons after doing the deed and the balloons had a quote on them like 'live life smiling because even if it was a sad memory you can always smile about it' and you raised a lot of money for that. And you said harry could give you a hair cut for charity which he didn't do to badly.

You went to a deprived country and walked along the streets giving food out and you saw some kids who were naked and freezing so you took of your jumper and gave it to them. You saw a mother bare footed who had water on her head, you took of your shoes and gave it to her with your socks as well, liam came with you as well and he gave a baby his socks and a dad his shoes. You two gave out your clothes from you laugage and only kept one set of clothes for yourselves for the way home.

You told zayn he could give you a tattoo for charity. He has to do a red nose on your wrist all by himself, you hated tattoos but it was for comic relief, you two managed to raise £12332.98 together. But when it came to the tattoo you didn't want to do it but you had to, zayn was constantly reassuring you and he got the rest of the boys to hold you down coz you totally freaked out coz of the pain. Yes you were being over dramatic but who wouldn't be if your boyfriends giving you your first tattoo?! You just kept saying in your head, this is for charity.

You were a footballer and you arranged a football game like louis did but this one had a twist, you had to were blindfolds and the bell jingled to see if you should do it like blind people do. You each had half your team guiding and half blindfolded so it was a lot of fun and louis played as well and niall and liam. So you were very happy that they took part as it helped you raise more money.

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