Tour goodbyes

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Louis - you stood behind Louis as he lifted his bag onto the conveyer belt to be weighed.

"Let me take this" you offered picking up his hand luggage and slinging the backpack over your shoulder.

"Thanks" he sighed

"You excited?" You asked trying to lighten his mood.

"Yeah I guess" he muttered uncharacteristically

"Why not?" You asked at his sour mood

"I'm just.. It's stupid really" he mumbled shaking his head and moving through to the security area.

"I promise I wouldn't be" you smiled moving a stray hair from his eyes

"I'm just going to miss you" he cried bringing you in for a tight hug.

"I'll miss you too, but think of the adventures your going to have! The people you'll meet!" You emphasised

"Nothing compared to how much of an adventure I have with you everyday" he whispered tucking some of your hair behind your ear.

"Cheesy, but cute" you smiled giving him a kiss

Zayn - you stood at the large window hand-in-hand with the other girlfriends, tears pooling at the point of their chins.

"It won't be too long guys, it will be okay" Sophia whispered, you brought your hand up to the glass and looked down at Zayn, he had his head down and he was taking a last breath from his lit cigarette; He always smoked when he was either bored, anxious or sad, he hardly ever smoked when you were around mostly as he found no need to. He threw the bud onto the ground and looked up at you, he huffed a huge sigh and blew a kiss to you.

"I love you" you mouthed

"I love you more" he chuckled

"Have fun"

"Not without you" he looked down and then back up to you. You giggled then signalled for him to join the others.

"You two are so cute it's unbearable" Eleanor laughed as she wiped away her tears.

Niall- You walked hand in hand with niall at the airport. You had nialls rucksack on your back while niall wheeled his suitcase behind him. Neither of you spoke, there was only the sound of nialls suitcase on the marble floor; and of course the deafening screeches of the fans that followed you.

You got to the luggage drop off and looked at niall sadly.

"So, well goodbye" he said looking at the floor. He had done this a few times but it never got any easier; the fact you were saying bye to your bestfriend and boyfriend at the same time.

"Goodbye" you croaked letting your eyes well up.

"No baby don't start" he said bringing you in for a hug so you could cry into his chest and absorb his sent for the last time in a while.

"I'm just going to miss you" you mumbled looking up at him.

"I'm going to miss you too" he said hugging you tighter and lifting you for a quick spin making you giggle.

"I'm being serious" you said after you finished laughing.

"Me to baby, I'll miss you everyday- all day. And every night- all night." He huffed into your hair. "But we have the wonders of modern technology, we have skype, twitter, FaceTime. We'll still see each other." He whispered kissing your scalp.

"Look after yourself" you whispered wiping the tears away.

"You too. And look after mum, dad, Greg, Denise and theo. Watch the house. Not too many wild house parties. No boys. Especially no naked boys. No boys in our bed, And defiantly no naked boys in our bed. You got it princess?" niall joked to lightening your mood.

"Got it. Same for you. No girls on the tour bus. FULL STOP. Clothes or not. NO GIRLS. got it sir?" you stated pointing a threatening finger at him.

"Yes ma'am" he saluted. "Love you lots" he said picking you up for one last kiss.

"Love you more" you smiled leaning down to kiss him.

Liam - you two walked hand-in-hand following the boys and their tour manager.

"Think of all the fans!" You smiled imagining his preforming to thousands every night. "Think of all the landmarks" you thought of him and the boys making weird touristy poses in front of them making you giggle.

"Yeah" he whispered looking at his feet as he strode on

"And all the people you'll meet!" You exclaimed excitedly.

"Yeah. Whatever" he huffed

"What?" You asked stopping and turning towards him.

"Nothing" he muttered looking away from you

"No seriously Liam, why are you mad at me?" You asked not wanting your last moments together for a while to be sour.

"I'm not, it's just.. You keep going on about how great tour is going to be for me, but what about you. You'll be all alone. And so will I. No one to sleep next to, no one to wake up to, no one to snuggle with.." He huffed "I'm just going to miss you" he tugged at his short hair and let a tear escape his eye.

"Baby, I know it will be hard and different but we can do this. We're strong, you know that. I'll visit often, I promise. We'll skype lots. It's all going to work out, I just know it." You smiled up at him as you brought him in for a hug.

Harry - you sat in the living room, listening to one of Harry's many stories and just taking in every last bit of his gorgeousness before Louis came to pick him up for tour.

"I'm going to miss you, you know" he suddenly spoke,

"You think I don't know that, after being told six billion times last night" you sighed tugging on your loose hair strands.

"I just don't want you to forget how much I love you" he smiled leaning into give you a kiss. "You know, you've been very strong, all my other girlfriends have always been crying and crying whenever I leave" he said when he pulled away from you

"I'm not like the other girlfriends"

"Well we both know that" he laughed rolling his eyes dramatically.

"I'm not one to cry in front of others. I'm more of a wait until everyone's left and then sob myself to sleep kind of gal." You spoke making Harry's grin drop. "I love you" you scooched over to Harry's lap and snuggled into his chest.

"Not nearly as much as I love you" he heaved a heavy sigh and kissed your scalp.


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