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Here's the second part~

I sound sooo crappy in this part (This is way too long)

I admit, this is not good at all.. 

Arm your catapults, archers and musketeers at me for the rushed ending :/


"She's been drugged with this." Through the microscope, it showed little parasitic-like bugs moving around like worms. It was rather unsightly.

He just couldn't believe it; it all happened in such a short time frame.

"She's stable for now, but we will have to keep her under watch."

"I understand. Thank you."

After words of advice, the doctor left the room. The uchigatana fell on his knees. 

His brain was thinking every possible situation that his master would suffer from the spiked green tea. He punched the floor, blaming himself for not being able to protect you. Movements were seen from the futon. You regained consciousness.

"Aruji!! Are you alright??" He stood up and came nearer to you, holding your hand.

"It seems that I am controlled. That tea..."

Hasebe was surprised that you knew all of this despite being not told by the doctor.

"You were awake just now?"

"I can't trust anyone saying that they are from the Government now... Who knows if they are sided with the Revolutionists?" Sitting up with his support, you looked at yourself. A wave of dull pain soon came, taking over you. He noticed, and was about to hold you when you muttered.

"Stay... away from m-me..."

You were controlled; your body moving on its own like how a puppeteer would bring its puppet to life on a show.

Standing up, you took out your wakizashi and held the sword up, ready to bring it down at him. The sharp sound of metal blades clashing together were heard as Hasebe took out his sword to block the attack. 

"Hasebe.. R-Run.. I-I can't hurt you anymore..." Tears fell, trying to resist against the very thing that controlled your body, but it was no use. The curse got stronger every time you resisted, rendering you to give up eventually. Completely controlled, you took out a tantou hidden in your belt, and pointed the sword at his heart. Your eyes widened at the act.  You tried to stop it, but again it was no use. 

You felt your arm moving nearer with the sword in your hand. Fear engulfed you.

"I apologise, Aruji!"

Swinging his quick reflexes, he tilted his sword to a side to let your blade slide down, cutting the tatami mat. Using the hilt of his sword, he knocked the wakizashi out from your hand while doing an arm lock on the other, forcing you to drop the tantou onto the mat. Positioning his hand over your neck, he brought it down swiftly, causing you to black out from the impact. Holding your limp body close against his, he hugged tightly, deeply apologetic for what he had done just now. 


Once he realised that you regained consciousness, he released you from the embrace, looking at you with eyes full of anxiety. You looked around to see signs of chaos in the room. Looking at him, you froze as you saw a trail of blood from his forehead. You blamed yourself deeply; all of these would not happen if you didn't drink that tea. Using your sleeve, you wiped off the blood and did a makeshift bandage. You wrapped your arms around his neck, bathing in his sweet sakura scent. 

"I am sorry, Hasebe... It's my fault.."


A few days later, you did some investigation and found out a way to remove the 'curse'. However, it was a risky one. You told the sword about the treatment, but he rejected.

"I would not let you go! It's too risky!"

"Those outside! Leave us for a moment!!" Scurried footsteps were heard before you rebutted.

"This is the only path! Last time I managed to keep everyone safe by interrogating Yumi to get information out from her! But what we are talking about right now is a complete different situation! Other Saniwas may get drugged like me if I let it be! How would you want to save them?" Catching your breath, he couldn't find any words to say. 

You were right. 

The only way to remove the little bugs was to inject a serum made from their poison. Recently developed by the medical team, you decided to gamble on it. The success rate was only a mere 0.5%. A tremendous amount of pain would be felt from the resistance, followed by a black out. If you do not wake up within the specified time frame, then it would be considered a failure, losing your powers even if you did wake up.

It was too dangerous to him. He just couldn't let you go and risk your life.

"My answer would still be a 'no'."

"I can see how crappy your brain is functioning. Would you rather let other people die or just me alone? Choose wisely you idiot." Your wicked tongue did its job, stinging him. Of course, his face darkened before changing back to his normal self. 

"As you wish, Aruji." Standing up and leaving, you relaxed on your current posture, resting on a side. You gave a deep sigh before contacting the medical team to inform them of your choice.

Dressing yourself up, you called and instructed Kuri and Tarou to take care of the others. They did worry about you, but they kept it behind their stoic faces as you left them, proceeding to the portal. Hasebe soon met you, still as anxious as ever. You couldn't blame for him. Taking your hand, he gave a peck on the back of your hand.

"Please return safely."

"Mmm." You stepped into the portal, transporting you to the modern world.



It has been six hours since you left.

He sat on the corridor near  the portal so that he could see you once you came back.

He feared that you wouldn't come back, just like how his previous masters did.

Waited, waited, and waited.

A footstep was finally heard.

It was you, a ghostly pale white face and a shaky body. He widened his eyes before rushing towards you, holding your body. 

He was so glad, thanking the gods for blessing his master's safe return.

"I-I did it... It was total hell.." Lying your body against his well toned chest, you said, giving a weak smile. 

"You've worked hard, Aruji. Have some rest." He whispered in your ears before carrying you back to your room, falling asleep in his arms.

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