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(Latoya in MM)
Latoya pov
I was getting ready because I have work tonight. Yes I was a stripper, a well known one.

But I never fucked any of them niggas up there.

"Your working already?" Chantel asked me.

"Yep, gotta make this money some how."

Sometimes I hated stripping. But that was the only thing that I was really good at.

As soon as I finished my makeup I was ready.

"Well I'm about to go." Signaling Chantel to leave.

"Oh okay, have fun getting dick tonight." She said.

I laughed. "Now you know damn well I-."

"Yea yea you don't take dick just take money." She said already knowing what I was going to say.

"That's why your my bestie."

DaMarco pov
"Yo I'm so bored." Ty said eating some hot fries.

"Why the hell yall niggas always eating up my shit." I said snatching the bag of chips. He only left me crumbs.

Wes laughed. "We need to go out tonight."

"To where?" I asked sitting on the couch.

"To the damn strip club, a nigga wanna see some ass tonight." Rocky said.

"I don't know. I'm tired from last night." I said.

"Come on man, you know you want some too."

I smirked knowing he was right. "Alright give me a hour."

"A hour!?" Wes said.

"You acting like a girl now." Tyreese said.

"I gotta be smelling good." I said and walked to the bathroom upstairs.

Latoya pov
I walked into the club and my new boss showed me to a room full of girls getting ready.

"Aye ladies, this badass will be working here from now on." He explained.

Some mugged me while others just looked me up and down.

"So your the new chick?" A girl asked.

I nodded. The girl laughed. "Good luck getting money with a face like that." She said basically calling me ugly.

"Umm shut up Ranae." Another girl said grabbing my hand and leading me to a mirror and chair.

"Don't listen to that hoe. She just hating. I'm Cassidy." She said holding her hand out.

I smiled and shook it. "And I'm Tameka." Another girl said.

I looked at Cassidy trying to make sure sure I could trust this girl.

"She cool." Cassidy said.

I nodded. They seemed like the only 2 cool ones In here.

Tameka started curling my hair while me and Cassidy talked.

"So at first your going to be scared so-." Cassidy spoke.

"I'm never scared."

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