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Latoya pov
I slowly opened my eyes seeing that I was in the hospital.

I looked beside me and saw Marco sitting there with a worried look on his face.

I sat up in the bed and when he noticed he ran over to me.

"Im sorry I left you there alone ma." He said hugging me.

"Its okay, when can I get out of here because Im going to beat Karla's ass again."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "What does Karla have to do with this?"

"She was there holding me down while Rocky was choking me."

"Are you sure your okay because that's not what happened."

"What are you talking about I know what I saw."

He kissed my forehead. "Go to sleep maybe you were dreaming."
"How you feeling now?" He asked when I woke up.

"Im fine."

"Doctor said we can go home."

I nodded and gathered my things.

We took the elevator down and got in the car.

It was silent at first. "So you wanna explain why you tried to hang yourself?"

"Fuck are you talking about." I asked confused.

"When I got back home and went upstairs I saw you laying there with a rope around your neck, that's why there are marks on your neck."

"No there are marks because Rocky tried to choke me to death."

"Why the hell does everybody keep trying to blame him."

"So you think I'm lying!? You think I did this to myself!?"

"Yea because you don't want the baby."

"Wow, I can't believe you." I said getting out the car when he pulled up at the house.

I grabbed the keys to my Tahoe.

"Aye where you about to go?"

"Somewhere away from you, I don't want to be around you right now."


"Leave me alone."

Cassidy pov
I opened the door to see Toya standing there looking like she wanted to cry, which she doesn't do often.

"Toy what's wrong?" I asked pulling her inside.

"Sup sis, you good?" Tyreese asked her.

"No your dumbass friend is being dumb." Toya screamed at Ty.

"Imma talk to him for you. Bye baby." He said kissing my cheek and leaving.

As soon as she sat down on the couch she began crying on my lap.

"He thinks I'm making shit up." Toya said crying harder.

It shocked me I never seen her shed a tear. Her whole face was red and her eyes began to swell.

Well they do say being pregnant fucks up your emotions.

"Toy stop crying. Go back home and talk it out."

"No, I'm not going back today can I stay with you for 2 days." She asked.

I nodded. "Of course."

"I will get my things tomorrow morning,"

Latoya pov
I jogged down Cassidy steps and slipped falling on my ass.

"Shit sorry I forgot I mopped the stairs." She said helping me up.

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