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DaMarco pov
"Toya!" I screamed after her as she was walking away.

She finally made it to her car. "Latoya calm down what's wrong?" I asked.

She hopped in the car, "how about you ask Jenna." She then sped off .

Fuck she must have saw what Jenna did.

I walked back into the house and all the guest were just staring at me.

"Uhh thanks for coming everybody." I spoke.

Soon they all left. "Do you need help cleaning up?" Jenna asked.

"No I need you to stay away from me."

"Why? I didn't do anything." Jenna said folding her arms.

"You probably messed up my relationship. Toya saw us."

"I'm sorry okay? It was a mistake. I just doing what I felt."


Latoya pov
I was sitting in the parking lot of donut kingdom eating my feelings away.

I was just crying and stuffing my mouth. I was so upset that Marco would do that.

I heard tapping on my window and looked up to see Devin standing there.

"What do you want?" I said sniffing.

"You okay ma? You look sad."

"Naw I'm happy." I said sarcastically.

He chuckled and got in my passenger seat.

He tried to grab a donut but I slapped his hand away.

"These are mine."

He laughed and nodded.

"So you wanna tell me about what happened."

I sighed. "I saw Marco kissing another girl."

"What you going to do about it?"

I shrugged. "I don't really know."

"I think you should go home and talk to him."

I sighed. "I will think about it, now get out my car."

"Crazy as hell. See ya later." He said. I nodded and drove  back home.
I walked inside and the house was clean.

"Toy? Is that you?" Marco yelled.

"Who else would it be dumbass."

"Uhh Wes, Tyreese, Cassidy,Tameka-"

"Okay I get your point." I said stopping him.

He laughed but then stopped.

"Are you mad at me baby? I promise you she kissed me i didn't kiss her."

"And you didn't stop her either."

"I got caught off guard."

"Where is Jenna now?" I said rollung my eyes when I said her name.

"I bought her an apartment across town."

"Oh really?"

He nodded. "Good I was tired of her being here anyways."

We both laughed.

"But don't you ever do anything like that again."

He nodded. "I promise I won't."


DaMarco pov
"Wassup family man." Wes said as I walked into the warehouse.

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