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3 months later.....

Latoya pov
"Stop it Marco." I said slapping his hand away from my ass.

He laughed as we walked through the mall together. These past 3 moths have been amazing with Marco. I expected some drama from his hoes but none at all.

"Hell naww I'm not going in this girly ass store with you." Marco said when I walked into Victoria's Secret.

"Come on bae." I said pulling at his arm.

He sighed. "Fine, 20 minutes."

I laughed and started shopping.

"You don't need all of these shirts." He said as I went to check out.

"Your right I don't need them, I WANT them."

He chuckled and paid for them.

"Now I want some food."

"Damn Toya, can we just go home we been at this mall for 5 hours."

I giggled and went to get some food.

"Now we can go."
We walked through my front door. He always at my house so basically he lives here, but when I make him mad he goes next door to his house.

I went upstairs to put away the new items I had got.

I sat on the bed.

"Marco? "

"Wassup baby."

"Uhh I gotta tell you something.. It's been on my chest for awhile now."

He looked up at me with concern in his eyes. "I'm listening." He said sitting next to me.

"You remember when I was sick and said I had the flu?"

He nodded.

"Umm- well I lied."

"I found out that I was pregnant."

"That doesn't make since, that was about 4 months ago and your not showing."

"Yea that's because I aborted it."

He paused. "You what?" He said angry.

"I had to, I had just started stripping and I couldn't have a kid and be a stripper." I said trying to explain.

"So you took our child's life to be a damn hoe and strip."

When he put it that way I felt guilty.

"I had to keep making money Marco what did you expect me to do!?"

"That's being selfish as fuck." He yelled.

He started getting closer to me which caused me to back up against the wall.

Usually I would be on my thug shit and stand up for myself but something was stopping me.

I thought he was gonna hit me the way he was looking at me. He then sighed and backed away from me.

He went and sat on the bed with his face in his hands. I heard him sniffing.

He was crying. Actual tears. Omg I made a thug cry.

I walked and sat by him. "M-Marco I'm sorry."

"Sorry ain't gonna cut it, what you did was some dumb shit, you didn't even tell me."

"I didn't tell anyone!"

"Man fuck this shit." He said grabbing his keys.

What did I just do?


I was pissed off at Toya. How could she do that without even telling me.

I was speeding down the highway when I heard my phone ringing.

"What the hell you mean my money low!" I screamed into my phone.

"Trust me boss, I recounted it and everything."

I instantly hung up the phone. I was pissed. I threw my phone in the backseat. I was already mad at Toya and now this shit.

I headed to the main warehouse

"Aye Rodney you know some about this missing money shit." I asked my guard.

"Nah man, but you should really look close at who you call ya boys."

What the fuck he mean my boys? Wes? Tyreese? Rocky? I know they ass ain't stealing from me, or are they?

Latoya pov
I opened the door for Tameka and Cassidy.

"Okay now what's wrong?" Cassidy said hugging me.

We sat down on the couch I began explaining everything.

"Dang Toy, you should have told somebody." Meka said.

I wiped my eyes. "I know."

"Where is Marco now?" Cass asked.

I sighed. "I have no idea."

DaMarco pov
I called a quick meeting.

"So I know y'all heard some money went missing.. Anybody know anything." I said to my workers.

They didn't say anything they just looked at each other.

"I know y'all hear me fucking talking." I fucking yelled making them jump.

They still ain't say shit. "All y'all go. Get the fuck out my sight." They slowly began to leave.

"Aye yall  stay." I told Tyreese, Wes and Rocky.

They sat down. "Wassup." Ty said.

"Y'all know something?"

"Nahh man." Wes said.

I sighed.

"I gotta go piss, I'll be back." Rocky said walking away.

"It's him." Wes said instantly.

"You sure man?" I asked.

"Yea, think about it. Rocky been quiet lately."

I gave it some thought. Rocky then walked back into my office.

"Rocky I know yo ass not stealing from us."

"Hell nah man, I'm yo boy."

Something was telling me not to trust him and that he was lying. It's always that one nigga in the crew that turn on you.

I stared at him for awhile. "I believe you."

Tyreese and Wes were shaking their heads.
I had finally returned home it was 11 pm.

I got out of my car and walked into my house, not Toya's house.

I walked in and Latoya was sitting on my couch.


"Marco can we just-"

"Get. Out." I said opening the front door.

She sighed and left.

I jogged upstairs to my bedroom. I grabbed my phone and made a phone call.

"Wassup Karla?"

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