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3 months later......


1 week turned into 3 months. Its not bad having her here. Jenna helps a lot.

She is also cool and funny. I still don't leave her and Marco alone, I trust her and him of course but I'm not taking any chances.

"Toya the pizza is here." Jenna said coming into my room with a box full of pizza.

"Thanks, you don't want any?" I asked her.

She laughed. "Marco ordered  you your own pizza."

I laughed. "That makes since."

I'm 4 months going on 5 im so excited.

After eating a whole box of pizza I decided to go downstairs to see what Marco was doing.

I heard him laughing and talking in the back yard.

I then saw him sitting in the pool talking to Tyreese and Wes.

I then saw him sitting in the pool talking to Tyreese and Wes

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"Hey baby." He said looking at me.

"Hey, I'm going to the grocery store want anything?" I asked him.

"Uhh nah."

I nodded. "Come on Jen."

She sighed. "Do I really have to go? I'm really tired."

"Nope, let's go."

She slightly rolled her eyes and followed me to the car.

I don't care about her attitude I'm not leaving them alone.

"Why is she still here?" Ty asked.

"Because she is scared to go back home." I answered

"Damn, is she ever  going to move out?" Wes questioned.

"Probably when the baby gets here."

"That's a long time."

I sighed. "I know."

"Do you know what your having?" Jenna asked as I pushed the buggie.

I nodded and smiled.

"Oh really what?"

"I don't want anybody to know yet, I'm going to surprise y'all." She laughed.

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