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Cassidy pov
"When is the last time you talked to Toya?" I asked Tameka as we walked into Walmart.

"I don't know, she didn't show up at work last night."

Just then we bumped into that crazy girl. I think her name was Chantel.

"Hey umm Chantel? Have you talked to Latoya lately she isn't answering her phone."

"Oh umm yea. She isn't answering because she doesn't really like y'all. I would just leave her alone." Chantel said with a smirk on her face.

She then walked away. "She is lying." I said grabbing a buggie.

"Of course she is." Meka said.

Latoya pov
I heard my phone vibrating for 100th time today. I ignored it and put the cover over my head.

"Toyaaaaaa!" I heard.

I heard Chantel's annoying voice.

Damnit I don't wanna deal with her ass.

I heard my bedroom door open.

"Get out Chantel." I mumbled.

"Dang Toya, why is your room a mess!" She asked looking around.

She walked over to my bed. "Aww someone isn't feeling well?" She asked pinching my cheeks.

I slapped her hand away. "Get the fuck out my house!" I yelled.

She laughed. "So your turning on me?"

I sighed. "If you don't get out I will drag your ass out."

"Fine, I will go."

I heard the front door slam. Thank you!

DaMarco pov
I was currently in the kitchen cooking some ramen noodles. I heard the door bell ring.

I walked and answered and it was... I don't even remember her name.

"Hey Marco." She said twirling her hair.

"Umm.. Hello." I said not knowing what to say.

She started walking in my house looking around, upstairs and everything.

"I'm not trying to interrupt your exploring Dora, but why the hell you in my house looking around."

"Haha very funny. I'm just trying to make sure no one was home."

"May I ask why?"

"Because of what I'm about to do." She said said pulling at my belt.

Latoya pov
I had finally got out of my bed and started cleaning up my room since me and Marco messed it up.

I sighed. I regret everything that happened. I wasn't trying to rush things with him, but I fucked it up.

I was picking things off the floor when I found his wallet.

I laughed and grabbed it. I slipped on some Jordan slides and jogged over there.

I knocked on the door. When it opened Chantel walked out.

She totally ignored me standing me there.

I looked at Marco who was shocked to see me.

"Oh.. Uhh wassup Toya." He said nervously.

"Did I just see Chantel walk out of your house, or do I need glasses?"

He chuckled. "We ain't do nothing, she tried though."

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