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2 months later....
Latoya pov
"Put it down Caleb." I said as we walked through Target.

"But its colorful."

"Do I need to place you in the buggie? Or can you walk like a big boy?"

He has fully recovered from his injury  and is very active.

"Like a big boy."

I nodded and continued shopping around.

My phone was ringing in my purse.


"Hey can you work tonight at 10?" My manager asked me.

"Yea sure. I might be kinda late. I have to drop my son off first."

"That's fine."

I ended the call. I was now a bartender at a club. I had to make some type of money since Marco is with Shay.

But he helps pay the bills. And he gives me money monthly, even though he isn't on child support.

"Mommy can we get this for Zoey?" He said picking up a Barbie doll.

Zoey was Shay's daughter and Caleb's little girlfriend.

"Yea go ahead."

We finished up shopping and headed home.
I stepped on a Lego as I walked into the house. "Fuck!" I yelled holding my foot.

"Potty mouth." Caleb said running into the house.

I sighed and walked into the kitchen.

"What you wanna eat fat man?"

"Uhh the yellow noddles."

"Mac & Cheese it is." I said laughing.

I started cooking while he watched tv and played.

I picked up my phone and called Marco. But I didn't get an answer. Like usual.

"Cay go upstairs and pack you a night bag,"

"Why mommy."

"Your spending the night with daddy. I gotta work."

"Okay." He went upstairs.

I went on Instagram and scrolled down my timeline liking photos and videos.

I stopped scrolling when I saw Marco and Shay and Zoey taking a family picture at the zoo.

I locked my phone up and threw it on the other couch.

I'm not even mad about the situation anymore I'm more disappointed in myself for falling for him.

But you learn from your mistakes and he was a big mistake.
I was speeding over to Marco's house. I was late for work it was almost 11.

I picked Caleb up and rung the doorbell multiple times.

"What the fuck- oh wassup Toya." Marco said leaning in for a hug.

I placed Caleb in his arms.

"Uhh okay still mad?" He asked.

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