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Latoya pov
"Ohhhh so she don't know me? Well I'm Kesha, Marco's first baby mama."

"BABY MAMA!?" I yelled.

"Damnit Kesha! Get yo ghetto ass off my property."

"I should have left yo ass in jail." She said walking back to her car.

"Alright Toy now let me explain." He said running his hand down his face.

"You better hurry up because I'm about 5 seconds away from punching the shit out of you."

"We were in the 8th grade and we started messing around and then one day she told me she was pregnant. You gotta remember we were 14 and 15 too young for a kid. So she gave it up for adoption."

"So your telling me you have a kid somewhere in this world?"

"Yea basically."

"Were you ever going to tell me about this?"

"Nah it's not a big deal."

"Yea the fuck it is! You have a damn 11 year old kid somewhere."

"This is why I didn't want to tell you! You always make a big deal out of stupid shit."

"So what about this Kesha girl?"

"What about her?"

"Do yall have something going on?"

"Hell to the no. She is just one of my hoes. And why are acting like we're together? Because we are not!"

I calmed myself down. "You know what your right. I don't care about you and your hoes."
"I'm going to Shay's I will be-"

"I don't give a fuck." I said watching tv.

He just walked out the door. I was still pissed.

I grabbed my phone and called up Andrew.

"Wassup ma."

"Hey." I said walking to the kitchen.

"You sound mad. Who did it?"

"Marco dumbass. He has a whole kid somewhere and he expects me to be okay with it."

"Damn that's fucked up."

"I know."

My phone was vibrating. "Hold on Drew let me call you back."

I hung up and answered the other call.


"What's good Toya? You haven't hit me up. What's the problem."

"You can't keep calling and texting my phone like that."

"I was just wondering-"

"If I need you again I will call you." I hung up.

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair.

I grabbed my phone again and called back.

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