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Latoya pov
"That's not enough tables!" I yelled at the workers.

I was trying to set up everything for tonight and nobody was following my directions.

"Hey mommy. How are you." Cass said kissing my cheek.

"I'm stressed out." I said moving my hair to one side.

"Everything looks good so far." She said looking around.

"Where are the chairs!" I yelled at them again.

Cassidy laughed at me. "Where is the birthday boy now?" She asked.

I looked at the time on my phone it was 11 am. "He is still sleeping."

"Well you better be there before he wakes up."

I nodded. "Listen to me! When I get back everything better be in order! The party starts at 7!" I yelled.

All of them nodded.

"Happy Birthday Baby." Toya whispered in my ear.

"Stop. That's creepy as hell." I said turning over.

I heard her laugh. "Wake up. It's your birthday."

"I know. And all I wanna do is sleep." I mumbled.

"Well you can't sleep all day. I got plans for you."

I opened my eyes. "Like what?"

"We are gonna go to the club."

"Hell no. Your not going to a club."

"Marco. You act like I'm going to do something."

"I said no."

Latoya pov
I let Marco sleep for 2 more hours. I went back to the room.

"Marco we gotta start your day." I said shaking him.

It was going on 2 and I wanted to go out to eat before the party.

He sighed. "Fine. Where you wanna go?"

"Let's go to Applebee's."

He scrunched up his face. "Hell no."

I frowned. "Since its your birthday you pick." I said.

"I want some chipotle."

"Really? Out of everything you pick chipotle." I said.

"Yep. Get dressed." He tapped my ass.

I rolled my eyes and picked out a cute dress.

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