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Latoya pov
The boys ran in the house and up the stairs.

"I missed my room so much." Cay said jumping on his bed.

Noah jumped with him.

I laughed. "Be careful babies."

They nodded. "Can we have some of our candy?"

"Yea go ahead. But don't eat it all."

I went back downstairs. I had a miss call from Titus.

I called him back.

"Wassup act like you to busy to answer the phone."

I laughed. "Sorry I was upstairs."

"Hold up I hear laughing. The boys with you? It's a Monday."

"That's because I GOT THEM BACK"

He laughed. "I bet your happy."

"Yup I am."

"Noah bit me!" Caleb yelled.

"Let me call you back."

I jogged upstairs.

"What did I tell you about biting people. That's a no no!" I said and popped him.

"Sorry mommy." He said crying a little.

"Tell your brother sorry."

"Sorry Cay."

The doorbell rung. I opened and it was Shay.

She had a cast on her left arm.

"Umm I just came to apologize for attacking you. I was just mad at Marco."

"Mhm apology not accepted." I slammed the door in her face.

I went to the kitchen and started cooking.

The doorbell rung again.

"Get yo dumbass away from my door bitch!"

"Language please."April said coming it with gift bags. It was April, Tameka, Andrew, Titus, Jenna, and Cassidy. They all had gifts.

"We heard the boys were back and wanted to give them some toys."

"Awwww. Boysssss!"

They came jumping down the steps.

"TOYS!" Noah yelled.

I shook my head. While the boys played we were all in the kitchen.

"Can you please cook. A nigga hungry." Andrew said.

"Hush. I'm cooking barbecue and Mac and cheese."

"Yum Im ready." Titus said grabbing a paper plate.

I laughed. "Almost done."
"Time to eat."

We went outside on the patio. We were just eating and talking until we heard the front door open.

The back door opened and Shay and Marco walked out.

"Wassup everybody." Marco said.

I rolled my eyes. "Who invited her inside my house."

"Last time I checked I paid the bills."

"But who lives here?" I said.

"Don't start." April said.

Shay sat down in front of me.

"How does your head feel?"

"How does your broken arm feel? You better shut the hell up before I break the other one."

"Aye chill out." Marco said.

"Whatever." I said and walked back inside the house.

DaMarco pov
Everybody went back inside.

"How the hell could you cheat on me with her." Shay asked.

"How many times do I have to say sorry."


I sighed. "You tripping man."

"NO YOU ARE your still in love with her just admit it."

"Bye get out my face with all that nonsense."



"Then go tell her!"

Latoya pov
I was in the kitchen putting the left over food up.


"What DaMarco"

"Are you still mad about the other night?"

"I really don't care."

I pulled her into a hug.

"What are you doing?"

"I love you." I whispered.

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