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Latoya pov
I heard Marco come in at midnight.

"Where you been?" I asked as he entered the room.

"Jenna is back." He said ignoring my question.

"Really? Where was she?"

"Stop asking stuff and go help her."

"With what? What's wrong?"

"Just go downstairs."

I followed his directions and saw her laying on the couch injured.

"Omg Jen. What happened? Who did this?"

"Nobody. I need some pain medicine."

"Okay, I will be right back."

I grabbed my keys and headed straight to Walgreens.
I grabbed everything I needed for Jenna and went to check out.

I wasn't paying attention and bumped into someone. I held my head in pain.

"Oh shit my bad, I wasn't looking."

I looked up to see a man. He helped me pick up my things.

"Thanks." I said.

"You good?"

I nodded and walked off again. That was weird.
When I opened the door I saw Marco stitching up Jenna.

"Here you go." I handed her some Advil.

She gave me a weak smile. "Now who did it?"

She was just about to answer me until Marco gave her a look.

"Nothing. I'm okay."

I simply nodded. I looked over at the clock and it was almost 1 am.

"I'm going back to bed."

Marco and Jenna nodded.

Karla been blowing up my phone. She still has me thinking about Toya and that nigga Devin.

I don't think Toya would do that. Would she?

"Marco, I'm going to get stuff for the baby shower. Are you coming?" Latoya asked.

"When is it?"

"Are you serious? You forgot about it!"

I sighed. "I just been thinking about more important stuff."

"So this isn't important!"

I can't say shit without her getting mad.

"That's not what I meant."

She rolled her eyes. "You coming or what?"

"Yea I guess I will."

I slowly opened the guess bedroom door.

"Jen, we gotta do baby shower shopping we will be back in 4 hours."

She slowly nodded. I walked down the steps. And got into the car.

"I wanted to drive." I whined.

"Shut up, crybaby ass." Marco said.

I laughed and playfully hit him.

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