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Latoya pov
I was currently flat ironing my hair getting ready for the party.

"Hurry up Toy!" Marco yelled.

"Okay! Don't rush me." I said slipping on my heels.

"Alright come on."

He looked at me and started laughing.

"What's funny?" I asked confused.

"You, you really think I'm letting you out the house like that."

"Your so damn crazy

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"Your so damn crazy." Is said rolling my eyes.

"No your crazy! I'm not about to let you walk out side with half of your ass hanging out! Go change." He fussed at me.

"I'm grown! I can wear what I want."

"Toya I'm not kidding! Yesterday I let you go with that short ass dress, but not today!"

"No I refuse to take it off!"

He then took the dress off for me messing up my hair in the process.

He started ripping up the dress. I stood there with my mouth open.

"Close your mouth and find something to wear."
I slammed his car door shut as I got in.

"Drop the attitude." He spoke.

I was so mad. That was my favorite dress.

"Who told you about this party anyways?" Marco asked.

"Oh uh... Cassidy did." I lied.

"So is Tyreese gonna be here?"

I shrugged. About 30 minutes later we pulled up at the house party it was a packed.

He grabbed my hand and we walked inside.

I searched for Devin but didn't find him.

"Stay here, I will be back." Marco whispered in my ear.

I nodded. Soon I got tired of waiting and started walking around.

"Hey sexy." A guy said and grabbed my ass.

"Keep your hands to your self." I spat and continued walking.

Soon I bumped into Devin.

"Hey I didn't think you would really come." He said and gave me a side hug.

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