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Latoya pov
"Happy Birthday mommy!" Caleb yelled waking me up.

I saw a donut  with a candle. I laughed.

"Aww thanks Cay." I said blowing the candle out and eating the donut.

"Where is your dad?"

Caleb shrugged and ran off too play.

I stretched and walked into my bathroom.

I checked my phone and saw that I had a lot of text messages from friends and family.

But not from Cassidy.

I sighed. I guess I overreacted.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face.

I heard Caleb's little feet. "Mommy I got you a gift."

I grabbed the little box and it was car keys.

Marco finally got me a Challenger.

I picked Caleb up and jogged downstairs to see Marco walking through the front door.

"Thanks for the car baby." I said hugging  him.


"Yea didn't you by me a Challenger?" I asked.

"Nah not yet."

I looked down at the keys in my hand.
"Never mind." I said and tossed the keys on the table.

"So what's the plans for today?" I asked Marco wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Uhh I'm going to sleep. But you can do anything you want."

Marco handed me a stack of money.

"Are you serious? Your not spending the day with me?"

"Nah. You go out and get pretty then when you get home we can do something then."

I rolled my eyes and walked upstairs to find something to wear.

I rolled my eyes and walked upstairs to find something to wear

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I went to the nail shop first. As I sat down I noticed Cassidy.

I simply looked away. But I could feel her staring at me.

I thought she was going to apologize and tell me happy birthday but instead she just ignored me.

Oh well I'm not about to get upset over dumb shit.

I put a smile on my face and enjoyed my day.
I had just pulled up in the driveway. I had been gone all day. It was around 9. I got out my car and started walking towards the front door.

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