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Latoya pov
"Just go talk to him."

"I don't know what to say."

"Just tell him your sorry or something."

"Wow your a lot of help." I said sarcastically.

He laughed. "Sorry I don't know what to say In this situation."

I sighed. "Thanks for your help anyways Devin." I gave him a hug and he left.

I grabbed the house phone and called Marco.


"Hey-" he hung up the phone.

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. I looked at the clock and it going on 2 am.

I will just wait until tomorrow.

DaMarco pov
"Sit down and eat Cay." I told him.

"I don't like grits daddy." He said whining.

"Go ask Shay to make you something else."

"I don't like her either!"

I tried to hold in my laugh.

"That's not funny." Shay said sitting pancakes on the table.

Caleb moved closer to me he really doesn't like Shay.

"Okay I gotta go to the store do yall need anything?" Shay asked.

"Nah we good baby."

"Okay bye." She said and pecked my lips.

We finished up breakfast and started watching Tv.

"Daddy somebody is knocking," Cay said without taking his eyes off Mikey Mouse.

I sat Noah down on the couch and walked to the door.

I opened the door and Toya was standing there.


"You are the last person I wanna see. I suggest you get the hell out my face because I am this close to pulling a gun out and killing your ass."

"Are you threatening me!?"

"Yea that's what it sounds like."

She sighed "Marco can we talk."

"Before you talk don't give me a dumbass excuses or a bullshit lie"

She started crying. "I don't know how to explain-"

"Bye." I said and just closed the door.

"Was that mommy?"

I sighed. "Yea."

"Can I go with her?"

"Nah you gotta stay with me for awhile."

Latoya pov
After I left Marco's I went to the mall to pick up my new phone.

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