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2 days later....
Latoya pov
"How you feeling?" Marco asked handing me a Sprite.

"I feel like shit." I said.

"I'm telling you go to the doctor."

"Hell no I hate doctors."

He laughed. "No your ass just scared." He said checking my temperature.

He acted like he knew what he was doing. "It's probably because I drunk all that liquor."

"You have a fever. Go to the doctor Toya." He said getting off my bed.

I sighed. He threw a blanket over me.

"I will be back in 2 hours to check on you."

I nodded and layed in my bed.

DaMarco pov
"Are you done playing doctor?" Karla asked as I walked into my house.

I swear I want to the beat the fuck out that girl but I was raised not to put my hands on a female.

We haven't even been together a whole month and she acting like we married.

"Marco are you listening to me." She followed me around the house.

"To be honest I'm not, and I don't give a fuck about what your saying." I said walking to my work out room.

"If I catch you back over there I will leave your ass."

"Okay come back in 2 hours because that's when I'm going back over there."

She just stormed out the house.

Latoya pov
"Are you doing any better?" Cassidy asked as she sat on my bed.

"Not at all." I mumbled into my pillow.

Tameka brought me some soup.  Usually I would love to eat but today I wasn't feeling it.

"Come on toy. You love food."

"I know but I'm not hungry."

"Wow that's a first." Meka said.

"Alright well we got work so see you soon." They then left.

I started getting worse a couple hours later so I just called the doctor.

"How may I help you today?" The lady said over the phone.

"I would like to make a doctors appointment for tomorrow at 2."

The next day....
"No Marco I'm fine." I said trying to get dressed.

"I can ride with you."

"I can go by myself." I said.

"Now get out I'm trying to get dressed." I told him.

"Why can't I watch?"

"Because I don't like people watching me."

"But people watch you every night bust your ass on the pole." He said.

"Marco! I'm not in the mood." I said.

He laughed and left out my room.

1 hour later....
"What they say? What's wrong?" Marco asked me questions when I returned home.

I laughed a little. "They said I have the flu" I said wiping my nose.

"Hell nahh.. Back up."

"Calm down, they gave me some shots."

I said showing him my band aids.

"I bet you was crying." He joked with me.

"Yea whatever."

"I'm about to go home Karla ass bitching."

I grabbed his wrist. "Please don't leave yet."

"I guess I can stay a few more minutes."
Marco pov
A few more minutes turned into 5 hours. It was now 11 pm

She was cuddled next to me in her bed while we watched Netflix.

"Eww Toya, I'm not trying to get sick." I said handing her a tissue when She sneezed.

She giggled. "Marco can I ask you something?" She said when there was silence.

"What's on your mind?"

"Why are you still with Karla?"

I sighed. "I ask myself that all the time."

There was more silence. "I want you." I told Toya. But I looked down at her sleeping.

I sighed. And just drifted off to sleep with her.

Latoya pov
I woke up to an empty bed I was hoping Marco would be there.

I went outside to check the mail when I saw Marco outside smoking.

"Hey." I said smiling weakly.

"Sup ma? You feel better."

"A little."

As soon as I was about to get closer to him I saw Karla come out the house in a robe.

"Baby come back inside our bath water is getting cold." She said with a smirk on her face.

"Uhh-" Marco said looking back at me.

"See you later." I said and walked back inside.

Fuck! I thought I had him where I wanted him.

"Bye baby." Karla said bending down kissing my lips before leaving.

"Aye bro when you gone leave her ass alone and get with Toya." Tyreese asked me.

"Yea man." Wes said.

I sighed. "It's complicated."

"Well I don't trust Karla ass she sneaky as hell." Ty said.

"That's what you say about everybody I date nigga."

"Naww Toya different." Wes said again.

I thought about what he said.... Maybe I will just stick with Karla for a little while.

Karla pov
"Did you get him back right?" Chantel asked me.

"I hope so."

"Good keep him hooked on you so he can forget about Toya." She told me.

I nodded. We shared a kiss and then went separate ways.

Hope this all goes right...

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