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Latoya pov
I had just made it to work. I walked in.

"Well look who just walked in, the ugliest bitch here." That girl Ranae spat.

I shot her a death look. Cassidy pulled my hand. "Dont even argue with her." Cassidy said.

I laughed. Tameka sat  me in a chair and started flat ironing my hair.

"You made your move on Marco yet?" Meka asked.

"He doesn't even like me like that" I said looking in the mirror.

"Where did you get that idea?" Cassy asked.

"He told my friend."

"Well your friend could be lying."

I thought about that for a minute. Chantel could just be jealous.

"No he doesn't like her, because he likes me." Ranae said getting in our conversation.

"You sure about that sweetie?" I said looking at her.

"Yes I'm very sure." She said flipping her hair and walking away.

"Girl she is out of her mind. Trust me Marco only likes you and you only."

That left my mind filling with thoughts.

The next day....
DaMarco pov
"Aye Ty you can't do that." I said taking the basketball out his hands.

Me and the boys were outside hooping.

Tyreese laughed. "I can do whatever I want."

"Man you cheat to much." I said.

"Aye Marco there goes ya chick."

I looked and saw Latoya walking to her car.

"I will be back." I said throwing Rocky the ball.

Latoya pov
Just as I was about to get into my car I saw Marco running towards me.

I rolled my eyes to the left. "What Marco?" I said not wanting to bothered.

"Why the attitude? I just wanted to know where you about to go."

"Instead of being worried about me and my where abouts how about you go ask your little girlfriend Ranae." I told him while getting in my car driving away.

DaMarco pov
"Why you look mad bro." Wes asked as I walked back to the house.

"Because Ranae asked starting shit again."

They laughed. Me and Ranae had something going on in the past but I broke up with her ass and she still thinks I miss her.

"Well when you get out ya feelings meet us at the warehouse we got work to do." Ty said walking out with the rest of the guys.

I nodded.

Toya pov
I was currently in my car about to pick up Chantel so we could go to the mall.

"Hey chick." She said getting into my car.

"Hey." I said dryly.

"Aww what's wrong. Still mad because Marco doesn't like you." She said joking around.

"Nope, and really don't give a fuck."

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