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5 weeks later....
Latoya pov
"I'm so damn hungry." I yelled out.

Cassidy laughed at me. "Damn girl you just ate."

"You know I eat a lot." Which was true.

She laughed again. I looked up and saw Tyreese walk into my house.

"Hey baby." Cassidy said and they started kissing.

"Umm.. Excuse me! I'm in here." I said causing them to break the kiss.

They both laughed. "Girl I'm about to go call you later."

"Where you heading too?"

"My baby taking me out." She smiled and they started kissing again.

Damn for them to be dating for 5 weeks they sure do kiss a lot.

"Okay get out my house before y'all have sex on my floor."

They both left. I went to the fridge for some food. I bent down to look at the bottom.

"Damn that ass looking to good." I heard someone say.

I looked behind me and saw Marco. I giggled. "Stop staring nigga."

He kissed my cheek. No we are not dating just close friends. We both agreed that was best.

"What you about to cook?" He asked.

"Nothing for you." I said opening up a pack of chicken.

"You so greedy." He laughed.

"So how are you and miss thang?" I asked referring to his current girlfriend Karla.

He chuckled. "I wish you would stop hating. But we good."

I slightly rolled my eyes. I hated that hoe. I guess you can say I'm a little jealous... Nah fuck that I'm jealous.

"But you know what would be better." He asked walking closer to me as I was cooking.

"What?" I asked.

"If you were her." He said grabbing me waist.

I smiled. "Well I'm not so oh well."

He laughed. His phone began to ring.

Marco sighed then answered.

"Sup baby.... Nah I'm just chilling.... I'm not at home.... With Toya... Whatever." He then hung up.

"What's wrong? Girlfriend making you mad?" I asked.

"Haha, but I'm going home."

"Aww really? Dinner is done."

"You wasn't going to share anyways." He said putting on his jacket.

"You right."

He then left. I just ate dinner all by myself...

DaMarco pov
"Why the hell do you keep going over her house anyways!" Screamed Karla.

"Aye chill. Toya is like my BestFriend."

"But your ass is always over there. You don't even have time for me!" She screamed.

"I see yo ass every damn day. I call you all the time! We always text! Shit what do you want to do move in with me!?"I yelled.

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