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Marco pov
"Stop running around little boy." I said picking up Caleb.

I was currently trying to get together Toya's pre birthday party.

"I wanna play daddy." He said trying to get down.

"No not right now."

He started having a fit.

"Need some help?" Shay asked walking too us.

"Shay what did I fucking-"

"Before you cuss me out I work at this damn restaurant."

I sighed. "How many jobs do you have."

"This is just my side job."

I shook my head. "How much do I have too pay you for you not to work tonight".

"Nothing because I'm going to work no matter what."

"It's Toya's birthday party. I want her to enjoy her party without you ruining it."

"Like I said, I'm going to work no matter what." She said walking off with a smirk.

Latoya pov
"Do you like this dress?" I asked Cass while trying on outfits.

"Uhh it looks hoeish."

I rolled my eyes. "You say that about all my clothes."

"Because it's the truth. If your not a hoe don't dress like one."

"Okay whatever." I said catching a little attitude.

My phone started ringing and it was Marco.

I smiled and answered. "Hey babe. Did you rent out the restaurant?"

He sighed. "Uhh yea. Are sure you want this place?"

"Yes. I love there seafood."

"Alright. Anything for you."

I hung up the phone.

Since we were in the mall I was about to get my nails done.

"Marco doesn't want you to get your nails done."

"Okay fine. I can just get my hair done."

"Nope. He says he has all that planned for tomorrow."

I nodded.
I walked into the house and Caleb had Legos everywhere.

"Mommy I made you a balloon." Caleb said handing me a balloon with spit inside.

I laughed. "Wow. Thanks."

"Where's your daddy?"

"Up the bridge." He said referring to the stairs.

"They are called stairs,"

I jogged upstairs and heard Marco on the phone talking to someone.

"All I want is for you to take off for the night is that so damn hard Sha-"

"Who are you talking to?" I asked walking into the bathroom.

He quickly hung up. "Nobody important,"

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