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DaMarco pov
I heard someone banging on my door. I looked at the clock it read 3 am.

I sighed. Toya's arms were wrapped around me. I gently removed them trying not to wake her.

I slipped on some boxers and jogged down the steps.

"What nigga?" I said when I opened the door for Tyreese.

"Where the hell yo clothes- oh Toya put it down last night." He said laughing at the end.

"What you want fool. It's 3 in the damn morning."

"Man somebody shot Wes now he in the hospital."

"Damn. Okay what hospital?"


"Okay meet you there." I then closed the door.

I went back upstairs and Toya was in the middle of the bed.

I laughed she was so cute.

"Toy." I said and shook her.

"Mmm?" She mumbled without opening her eyes.

"I'm about to go to the hospital. You wanna come?"

She instantly woke up,

"Omg what happened. You okay?" She asked.

I laughed. "Yes baby I'm fine. It's Wes he got shot."

"Hell yea I wanna come."

We both got dressed and headed over to the hospital.

Latoya pov
When we got to the hospital we straight in Marco went to go get the room number while I ran over to Tameka.

"He is going to be fine." I said as I hugged her.

She was crying on my shoulder. Marco cleared his throat. I looked at him.

"They said he in surgery." I nodded and continued to hug Tameka.

DaMarco pov
Me and Tyreese went outside of the hospital.

"Tell me what you think about this shit man." I told him while smoking.

He sighed. "It's Rocky, I know how bad it sounds but it's him."

I nodded. "Alright Imma see how it goes."

I then walked back into the hospital to see Toya talking to the doctor.

She looked at me and smiled. "He made it."

"Of course he did."

We all walked into his room to see him laying there looking at the small tv.

"Wassup my man, how you feelin?" I asked daping him up.

"My damn back and leg hurt, but I'm good."

We laughed. "I'm so glad your okay baby." Meka said kissing him.

"Aye stop all that and give me a minute with him." I told them.

They left. "You too Toya." I said looking at her.

She pouted. "Why do I have to go."

"This grown man shit, don't make me dick you down again."

She laughed and left. I looked at Wes.

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