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Latoya pov

"Amoricito estoy aquí."
(Sweetie I'm here.)

That voice instantly made me wake up.

"Oh no fuck." I said getting out the bed. I was butt naked i started getting dressed when I realized Marco was in my bed.

"Oh my lord. I didn't-... I did." I said remembering last nights events.

"Son tú piso de arriba?"
(Are you upstairs?)

"Sí momi." I yelled down. It was my mother I forgot I invited her to come over in the morning.

"Marco you need to get out of here." I said shaking him.

He smiled. "Why baby we was just having fun." He said kissing my neck.

I pushed him away. "My mother is here."

"I'm coming up." I heard my mom say.

"No! I'm viniendo." I yelled.
(I'm coming)

I looked back at Marco who looked confused. "The hell is going on!? Is that your maid?"

"I will explain later just get your shit and leave quickly."

I jogged down the steps and gave my mother a hug.

"Hola momi." I said with a smile.

"Latoya what happened to your hair. It looks like you had rough sex."

"I did" is what I wanted to say but I decided against it. Because I knew I would get slapped.

"It's just tangled that's all."

She nodded. I looked up to Marco coming down the steps buckling up his pants.

"Latoya..." My mom says.

I sighed. "Yes."

"¿quién demonios es este!"
(Who is the hell is this?)

"Umm this is Marco, my friend."

Marco instantly shot me a look. "So I'm your friend now."

"So your tener relaciones sexuale with your amigo?"

(So your having sex with your friend)

"First why the hell she talking in Spanish. And second what the hell she saying." Marco asked.

I sighed in frustration this is not how I wanted my mom to meet my boyfriend... Well he isn't even my boyfriend yet. He probably never will be.

"Momi can you stop talking in Spanish just for one minute."

She folded her arms. "Fine."

"Okay mom this Marco, marco this my mom Rosey. Marco is just a next door neighbor. He just spent the night-."

"If he lives next door he shouldn't be spending the night." My mom said cutting me off.

"I know, I know. It was just an accident."

"While y'all work this out Imma be at home," Marco said leaving.

"Toya im very disappointed in you bebè."

I rolled my eyes. "Yea whatever." I said mostly under my breathe.
Marco pov
I had a big headache. I just crawled on my big couch and rested. Until I heard my front door open.

"Sup bro." I heard Rocky said. I heard Tyreese and Wes walk in also.

"Why the hell yall always at my damn house." I mumbled under my covers.

"Damn bro, was the pussy that good." Ty said.

Instantly shot him a look. "How did you know about that."

"You only act like this when you go some."

I laughed. "Well in that case... Hell yea it was."

We all joked and laughed around for awhile until they left.

I decided to go check up on Toya.

I knocked on her front door. She opened. "Yes?"

"Can I come in?"

"No just say what you gotta say."

"So you know we are together right?" I spoke.

"No Marco we are not, you just messed up my head with that weed and we got caught up in the sheets."

"Really Toy? I was really trying to make something happen between us and you just won't let me in."

"Because I don't want to okay! I'm just not ready to be in a real relationship yet. And your just going to have to except that."

"I'm sorry." She said and kissed my cheek. She then slammed the door in my face.

Kinda short...

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