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Latoya pov
"Stop playing with your breakfast." I told Caleb.

Marco jogged down the stairs fully dressed.

"And where are you going?"


I rolled my eyes. "You need to get a real job." I mostly mumble under my breathe.

"You must thought stripping was a real job too." He said before walking out.

Damn he sure is salty this morning.

I sighed. "What you wanna do today buddy?" I asked Caleb.

He thought for a minute. "Park." He yells.

"The park it is."

DaMarco pov
I went over to Ty's crib to chill since it was a Saturday.

"Wassup bro." He said opening his door.

"Sup." I said sitting on his couch.

"Did you know Shay was back?" He asked me.

I sighed. "Don't even bring her up. I don't want anything to do with her."

He laughed at me.

"What's funny?"

"You. You always say that but then fall right back into Shay's arms."

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket.

"Hello." I answered.

"Caleb is almost out of pull ups. So I need you to go get some."

I sighed. "He should be out of pull ups by now."

"Marco just do what I said."

"Alright." I said hanging up.

"I gotta go. See ya later." I said walking out his house and into my car.

I quickly went to Walmart and went to the baby section.

I looked next to me and saw Shay. Damn she keep popping up everywhere.

I grabbed a pack of pull ups and was about to walk away until she stopped me.

"So you not gone speak?"

"I don't have anything to say to you." I said not looking at her.

"Are mad because I left? Well stop being mad because I'm back."

"You should have just stayed in Cali things are going good and I don't want you messing me up."

I left her standing there with hurt on her face.

Latoya pov
"Mommy I want ice cream!" Caleb said pointing at the icecream truck in the park.

Before I could give him an answer he ran off towards the truck.

I laughed and pulled out some money.

As I got closer to the truck I saw Caleb talking to a little girl about his age.

"Mommy this is Zoey. She in my class." He explained to me.

"Aww is this your little girlfriend?" I asked bending down to them.

"Eww." He pushed her down.

The little girl started crying. I helped her up.

"Daddy!" Zoey screamed. Next thing I know Devin is running over.

"Daddy? You have a kid?" I asked Devin.

"Something like that." He said and picked the little girl up.

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