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Latoya pov
I got up early and went to the donut shop for some donuts and breakfast.

I got a dozen glazed doughnuts. I started walking back to my car when this dude approached me.

"Aye don't I know you." He said.

"I don't know, do you?" I said getting smart with him.

He chuckled. He got closer to me. Any other girl would be scared and start backing up, but I stood in the same place. Because I knew if he touched me he would be a dead man.

"You work at the strip club don't you." He whispered in my ear.

"Your right I do. Now are we done playing the guessing game, I got places to be."

"Not so fast." He said about to grab me.

"Touch her and you will die," someone said.

I turned and saw Marco standing there.

Marco pov
"Touch her and you will die." I said.

Latoya turned and looked at me.

"You lucky your hero came, next time he won't be able to save you." The man said and started walking away.

I looked back at Latoya who had her arms crossed.

"What? You should be thanking me for saving your ass." I said.

"Thanks, but I could have saved myself."

I laughed. "With what that little gun of yours."

"Nope with this." She said pulling out a big ass knife and putting it to my neck. This girl ain't scared of shit, it was pure daylight.

"Aye toya chill out." I said getting just a little scared.

"You gone learn to stop underestimating me. I'm not a punk like you think I am." She said still with the knife to my neck.

She stared at me for a little while longer and removed the knife.

I did a sigh of relief. I was sweating like crazy.

"You sure do get scared a lot to be a thug." She said getting in her Black Range and driving away.

Latoya pov
"So he peed on your floor." Cassidy asked laughing.

I nodded and laughed to. "He was so scared." I said biting into my donut.

We laughed and talk for a little while longer.

"Girl I gotta go." She said grabbing her things.

"Where you off to?" I asked in curiosity.

"I have a date why Tyreese." She said blushing.

"Okay then.. Have fun." I said and waved her goodbye.

After eating my breakfast I went upstairs to take a shower then take a nap.

Marco pov
"Yea man, her ass crazy." I said smoking outside with the guys.

They laughed. "I would love to stay and chill but I gotta date." Ty said getting up.

"Who the hell would go on a date with your ugly ass." I said exhaling.

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