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DaMarco pov
"She killed my child!" Shay screamed over and over.

I really didn't know what to do in this situation. I'm lowkey happy as hell she not pregnant anymore. I only wanted Toya to have my child.

"I'm going to sue her! She killed my baby." She cried and screamed.

"You shouldn't have said all that stuff." I told her.

"Whose side are you on!" She yelled through her tears.

I walked out the room. Me and screaming don't do well together. That shit is annoying.

I walked in the waiting and saw Toya biting her nails and her leg shaking uncontrollably. She always does that when she's nervous.

"Aye there is nothing to be scared about Shay is fine-"

"I'm not worried about that bitch. I'm worried about my baby."

"Who the hell you been fucking!?" I said getting mad.

"You dumbass."

"Hold up, let me process this shit." I said sitting in the chair.

"So if your pregnant with my baby.. That's means your 4 months pregnant? Right?"


"You have been hiding this for 4 damn months!" I yelled.

"Correct." She said simply.

I sighed this is too much shit going on.

"Okay give me time to think about this."

"What is there to think about Marco?"

"Think about keeping it."

"What the fuck is wrong with you! Hell yea I'm keeping my baby I don't care if your in his life or not I can do this on my own." She stormed off and left.

These females too extra.

I walked back into the room with Shay. 

"Doctor said I can go home now." She said with no emotion.

"Alright you ready?"

She slowly nodded. I helped her into the car. She had a broken arm and a bruised up face.

I started driving home.



"Can you please just stop talking to her for like 5 or 6 months. I really just want to focus on us."

I sighed loudly. "She is carrying my child-"

"So your telling me that the bitch is pregnant! Her ass should have lost it just like I lost mine!" She screamed and started crying.

"Okay okay chill out. I won't talk to her for 5 months. It can be just me and you."


"I promise."

Latoya pov
I was so hurt that Marco would want me to abort my child.

I picked Caleb up from Tameka's house.

"Mommy I hungry." Caleb said as I was driving.

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