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I was woken up by my door.

"Come in." I yelled. The door swung open and in walked Marco.

"What do you want?"

"Aye cover your mouth." He said when I coughed I was still sick.

"DaMarco what is it?"

"I just wanted to see if you wanted to go out to eat?" He asked.

"Why didn't you ask your girlfriend."

He sighed. "Do you want to or not?"

"I guess so."

I quickly got dressed and went back downstairs. I saw Marco standing by the door waiting on me.

"Okay I'm ready."
"Dang Toya how much are you going to order!?" Marco said.

I laughed a little. "Shut up, I'm extremely hungry."

We just sat and talked while waiting on our food.

His phone started ringing.

"Are you going to answer that?" I asked him.

"Nah, it ain't nobody important."

I looked at his phone. "It's your girlfriend."

"Can't be because I'm looking at my girlfriend."

He was staring at me. I laughed.

"What you laughing at? I'm being serious."

"Whatever." I said and looked away from him.
After dinner we went to the movies and now we were on our way home.

It was about 7 pm. I unlocked my front door and he followed me inside.

"What are you about to do now?" He asked.

"I'm gonna try and go to work." I said.

He sighed.

"What?" I asked.

"I don't like you being a stripper."

I laughed a little. "Umm why? You act like we are together or something."

"No but we will be." He said with a smile.

"Yea that's what you think." I said going upstairs.

"That's what I know." He said following.

I laughed.
"You okay over there?" Cassidy asked me as I was at my mirror.

"Yea I'm fine." I said lying.

"Ladies hurry up, I need 6 of you on the pole in 4 minutes." Our boss said waking into the dressing room.

"Toya I want you in the front." He said.

Damn why me.

I started applying extra makeup.

I dropped my robe revealing my lace outfit.

"Stop eating all them donuts Latoya, I can't have fat girls out there." He said again.

I simply rolled my eyes. I was no where near fat.

"Come on time to go." Tameka said and grabbed my hand.

I sighed and walked out.

DaMarco pov
"Rocky your dumb as hell." I told him.

The guys laughed. "How do you forget to add water to your noddles?" I asked.

They laughed again. "I just forgot." Rocky said.

Just then my front door opened and Karla walked in.

"Well, it's time for us to go." Wes said standing up.

"Right behind you." Rocky said.

"Bye man." Tyreese said daping me up.

For some reason they don't like her.

Karla mugged them as they left.

"Your friends are so annoying." She said walking into the kitchen.

"Where you been?" I asked ignoring her statement.

"Uhh just out shopping." She answered.

"Then where are your bags."

"Oh I didn't find anything that I wanted."

Lying ass.

"Well I'm going to sleep, lock up when you leave." I said walking upstairs.

Latoya pov
I was finally done with my routine. I walked back into the dressing room. I was now exhausted.

"Wow, you did good tonight girl." Cassidy said.

"Thanks." I said drly.

"You don't look so good." Tameka said.

"I'm just tired and ready to go home. See y'all later." I said grabbing my purse and my duffel bag full of money.

I started to leave. "Wait hold up Toya, one of the dude's want to meet you." My boss said.

I sighed. "I really want to go home,"

"It's only for a second."

I gave in. He led me to where the guy was. I noticed it was the same dude for the donut shop that day.

"Remember me?" He said with a smirk.

"Yes I would like to forget you." I said getting smart.

"You still got that same smart ass attitude." He chuckled.

"What do you want? Your wasting my time."

He threw a stack of money on the table.

I busted out laughing. "Your crazy if you think I'm about to fuck you." I said trying to leave, but he pulled me back.

"Do what I said." He said strictly.

"Did you just touch me?" I said trying to make things clear.

"Yea so-"

I instantly tazed him and left.

I don't play with niggas.

I heard banging at my front door. Who knocks on somebody's door at 4 in the morning!?

"I don't any damn Girl Scout cookies, I don't want no newspaper and I don't want any damn chocolate! I want to sleep!" I screamed at the door since I was downstairs on the couch.

The person kept knocking. "Go. Away!" I yelled again.

The knocking continued. I ran to the door and swung it open. "WHAT!"

Marco instantly grabbed my face and pulled me into a kiss.

"Be my girl?"

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