Chapter 1- Home Sweet Home

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Home is where you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to come back. - John Ed Pearce

Oceans POV:

"Joy if you do pick up your step I'll chop off your dick!" I yelled. The girl was walking like 2 inches and hour.

She rolled her eyes. "Okay Ocean sheesh. Call me when they're done talking-wait no text me!" My best friend Joy shouted from across the street.

"Why can't I call you?" I yelled back now standing in my driveway.

"I'll be busy and won't answer." I scoffed.

"So you think a text is better?" I said, giving her the 'really' look.

"True." She paused pursing her lips, "I'll just call you instead."

"It's a plan, bye hoe." I waved while turning around to my front door at the same time. Joy said bye and turned to reach her door.

Joy and I had to go home immediately after school because our parents wanted to tell us something but separately. Whatever it is, must important since both of our parents aren't home much and usually on some business trip to who knows where doing who knows what. And yes, they work in the same business. I know they do this because of how we used to live in the past, but I'd rather have them home more.

My mom was married in South Africa, her and my dad decided they should move to America when I was 1 years old for more opportunities. Not just for them though, but for me as well. Later on they got divorced when I was about 5 or 6. Though, I don't remember much about my father I don't really mind. I have maybe one or two memories of him I can recall. But my mom did everything she could to provide for me.

A couple of months after the divorce we moved to Michigan. 4 years later my mom meet my step dad, Victor, at their current job, after 2 years they got engaged then married. I was happy she was happy and that's all that mattered.

I stepped in the house, "I'm home." They told me they were in the kitchen so I took my backpack and shoes off at the door and made my way to them. Once I came in I knew something was up. They were sitting like the stereotypical parents you see in movies when they have to talk to their kids.

"Ocean," My mom said in a soft tone bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Uh, yeah, good afternoon, sorry I just thought you guys weren't coming back for another 3 weeks? Is there something wrong?" I asked.

They give each other these weird looks that scared me wondering what they might say. They could kick me out, or send me to a military camp, maybe they're going to say I'm some sort of alien that got dropped off for them to care for me.

I mentally shook my head to clear the crazy thoughts and waited patiently for whatever they're going to say to me instead of building up my own nerves.

After a couple of awkward stares I spoke up"Um hello? Could you guys say something please it's kinda weird" I asked. Whatever it is, it has to be pretty important if they left work for it.

Victor started off, "Well, you know we've lived in Michigan since you've been born technically, and I know you love this place," The end came out a bit shaky like he was nervous. My step dad is never nervous so now I'm 100% sure it's the alien thing. I wonder if I have powers like teleportation or mind reading.

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