Chapter 15- Girl in White

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Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what died inside us while we live. - Norman Cousins

\\Ocean POV//

"Rose where are you taking me?" I groaned as she pushed me into the car.

Just a minute ago, I was patiently waiting outside for her long ass conversation with her family to end. I wonder what they were talking about? Anyway, I was sitting there waiting tolerantly when out of no where I was flung onto someone's shoulder. Out first I thought it was Axel but then I saw the hair and outfit and noticed it was Rose. And let me tell you what a shock that was. I mean how strong is she?

"Heaven." Oh no.

"I refuse to go shopping-and no offense, but especially not with you." I stated.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means I may still be figuring you out all, but I can easily see that you're shopaholic. Now would you mind getting me out this car?" I went to open the door but Rose quickly reversed the car.

"The hell women! Are you trying to kill me?" I screeched gripping the handle bar in the passengers seat.

"No, but you'd have a better chance of living if you put your seatbelt on." She shrugged.

"Actually I'd have a greater chance of living if you let me out this car." I mumbled vigorously putting on my seatbelt.

"Heard that." She sang.

"Course you did." I mocked rolling my eyes.


"Isn't this like the cutest?" Rose squealed gesturing to her 6th outfit. Her sixth outfit in this store that is. I'm not even sure if it's her 6th outfit. I lost count after one.

"Yeah it's nice." I said absentmindedly not even looking up from my phone.

"You've said that about all my outfits."

"Maybe I think they're all nice." I shrugged.

"You sound like a boyfriend who's tired of shopping with his girl." She grumbled.

"Close. I'm a friend who's tired of shopping with her friend." I looked up finally. "Difference between me and the boyfriend is I got tired of it as soon as we stepped foot in here."

Rose humphed, "You know what'll make that frown turn upside down?"


"Shopping." She piped.

"What type of logic?" I said giving her the 'you're kidding right?' look.

"Not for me silly."

"Please don't ever call me that again." I grimaced at the name.

"For you." She came over and squeezed my cheeks.

"You're like the overly excited girlfriend that wants to do everything." I groaned.

"That settles it then! We're officially dating."

"Sorry hun, but you're not my type." I said patting her head.

"You're right. My brother is." She slightly hitting the side of her head. That shut me up. She dragged me across the mall and reluctantly let her lead. Walking I saw something that made my skin crawl. It was stupid. There was a little girl in the middle of people walking just staring at me. It seemed that no one seemed to notice her or bump into her in fact. Her skin was a ghostly white and her eyes were cold resembling a never ending hole. She had a red ribbon that kept her hair up and dressed similarly to an old fashioned doll.

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