Chapter 4- Mine

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Granny Sheeran told me when I'm looking for a partner to fall in love with their eyes cause eyes are the only things that don't age, so if you fall in love with their eyes you'll be in love forever. - Ed Sheeran
Oceans POV:


My phone goes off and without even opening my eyes, my hand instantly clicks the power button to snooze it.

10 minutes later


I snooze it again.

10 more minutes later.


Should I wake up? How about no.

20 minutes pass.


Who invented this hell contraption?

Another 10 minutes go by.

My gosh! OK I'll get up! I slowly open my eyes and grab my phone to check the time. I smile at the time of 5:30 a.m. and myself, since I know it takes me about 30 minutes or more to wake up so I set my first alarm at 4:50 or 5 in the morning.

I get up and drag my body to the bathroom in my room and look at my reflection in the mirror. I see my 5'2 height and brown skin, wide yet thick lips and dark brown eyes with 4c hair, which at the moment is currently tangled since I forgot to wrap it at night.

I do everything I usually do in the morning including a much needed shower, washing my face, and combing my hair out and tying it up in a puff then headed to my closet to see what to wear.

I am so glad I finished packing yesterday. "Comfortable and lazy yet somewhat presentable." I chanted to myself.

With that in my mind I put on a red crop top, that wasn't really cropped on me cause I got a size larger. I had on some regular black jeans and white high top converse. I went to my mirror and put on some mascara, concealer, and lipgloss.

I grab my backpack and head downstairs and put it in front of the door to get later. I look at the time on my phone and see I have twenty minutes left so make some eggs.

Once I was done I look at the time and saw I had 7 minutes left so I hurry and put my bowl in the sink rush upstairs to brush my teeth, go back downstairs to see Joy and my uncle downstairs ready.

"Morning guys!" I say smiling. I feel like today's going to be good, I don't know why but I'm liking it.

"Woah the troll is smiling in the morning, what's up?" Chris whispers to Joy loud enough for me to hear though. Joy chuckle and I just roll my eyes my smile now wiped off my face.

"Do you always have to ruin a persons mood?" I ask glaring at him.

He just shrugs his shoulders, "It's a natural talent." He says heading out while Joy and I grab our backpacks and follow after him to his car.

"Where are your parents?" I ask Joy once we get in the car with me in the passengers seat.

"They're sleeping in for once in their life." Joy says rolling her eyes but smiles.

"Yeah, I have to remember to call mine after school." I say looking out the Windows.

I never noticed we lived right near a forest. It's literally in my backyard but I like it. I had always wanted to take a jog back in Michigan but we never lived in an area I could.

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