Chapter 12- I Want the Truth

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Deal with your problems before they deal with your happiness- Unknown
\\Axel's POV//

I almost lost control. She was with me in the car and I almost lost control. Well actually, my wolf almost lost control.

Oh, shut it. Even if I weren't there the same thing would've happened. Nate shot back. Did I tell you guys he decided to rename himself ever since Ocean called him that. What a love sick puppy.

If you don't want her I'll take her. And while I'm enjoying myself you can go choke on a- I cut the link before he could finish.

The moment I saw Ocean shivering in a corner with bloody knuckles I couldn't help but want to weep myself. I don't cry but seeing her like that you would've thought I had just been shot. I suppose I was since that's what it felt like. Except the bullet didn't just shoot once and I died, it went on like a knife stabbing me over and over again.

I had been taken some pills to ensure I could control myself around Ocean, they made me weak but they worked—well it did 'till the whole car accident. I'm going to have to stop now not just because it was wearing away but because of what Jenna did. I'm not dealing with her anymore I've told her countless of times I've found my mate which is also her future Luna. If she's to accept that is... Which I hope she does.

I had no strength as she pushed me onto the lockers and forced her slimy lips to invade my mouth. When Ocean bumped into the trash can Jenna stopped. All I could see was hurt in her eyes.

She didn't say anything to either Jenna or I, just began walking away. I tried going after her but I was still pinned down by Jenna. If anyone from the pack saw this I would be mortified.

"Come on, let's have a little fun. Like old times." She said trying to say sexily. I almost barfed at the sound.

"Jenna! Let go, now!" I said using my alpha voice. She reluctantly let go and I was going to scream at her and tell I don't like her but just then I felt a strong pang in my chest and pain in my knuckles. I didn't even have to guess, I already knew it was Ocean. That caused any speech I had for Jenna to wither in my mind as I ran through the hallways following Ocean's scent.

Her face was swollen, hands bloody, and her eyes were bloodshot red. And when we made eye contact all I saw was disgust and dread in those beautiful coffee brown eyes of hers. Goddess I should've tried harder to push Jenna off me.

When I held her and brought her back to class she didn't look well. Not that she had before but she looked tired and emotionless. I mind linked the teacher to tell her to go home.

I helped steady her 'till we got to the car and immediately she was already beginning to doze off. I told her to sleep and almost instantly her eyes fully shut. I knew where she lived but I couldn't find her keys. I didn't want her to leave now anyways, especially with her condition so I drove to my house.

She didn't even wake up when we parked in my garage and I didn't want to wake her up, she needed rest. I picked her up and made my way to my room. "Umm, Axel?" My mom popped up behind me. She stared at her for a second before looking in my eyes. "Is this her?" She asked.

She didn't need to be anymore specific, I already knew what she was talking about. I nodded my head looking down at her. She sure was beautiful. I was a fool to think I didn't want her as my mate.

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