Chapter 10- Hearts

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Beautiful faces are everywhere but beautiful minds are rare - @googlemyfacts

Oceans POV:

I gasped, lunging my body upward from the bed frantically inspecting my surroundings. It was the same dream I had repeatedly but more vivid. It felt as if someone, somewhere was trying to contact me. But just as the wolf was morphing I would wake up. I've been trying to figure it out, I mean you don't just have this dream repeatedly for nothing. Right? What confused me more was each and every time it was the exact same wolf. Nate. But what does he have to do with any of this?

Hesitantly I relaxed sighing as I began dragging my body off my bed. Yesterday, on Thursday we came back from the cabin deciding we'd spent enough time there, and we wanted some time at our homes before we went back to school. Since you know, we only had today and Sunday till school started. Most of my time there was spent with Axel, and I enjoyed every minute of it.

I groaned heading towards the bathroom to do the usuals. Axel said he wanted to hang out today.....just us. To say I'm nervous would be an understatement. I mean I know it's not a date or anything, and I have no reason to be nervous, but I still was. It definitely didn't help with Joy swearing it was a date and Axel and I belonged together.

I was more awake after I had splashed some cold water on my face before waking out of the bathroom. I grabbed my phone on the night stand and realized I still had about two hours left. I went downstairs only to see a note by my aunt and uncle saying that they had left for a meeting. They do know it's the 21st century right? I mean, she texted me before and I'm sure that's a better version of communication if you need to tell someone something quickly. I suppose that's just my opinion though.

I opened the fridge and spent those one and a half hours the best and most valuable ways I know how. By sitting down watching Friends on Netflix. I was about to squeeze in one more episode when Joy decided today's was a great day for me to go deaf.

"Ocean! What the hell are you doing he's coming in half an hour?!" I thought I'd be calm with this but I'm not and I'm freaking out. Why did I wait this long to choose my outfit?

"Calm down Joy, I'll just go upstairs and choose a quick outfit." Although that's the opposite of what I wanted to do, what choice did I have. Really, I wanted to spend time deciding what I wanted and to show up dressed nice and not how he's seen me lately.

She rolled her eyes and grabbed my arm, tugging me up the stairs in such a fast pace I was certain I was going to end up falling. "I knew you wouldn't be able to control your procrastination for a day so, I took the liberty of choosing your outfit." Joy said not even glancing back.

I'm not sure what I wanted to wear exactly. I'm not a huge fan of dresses, but I'd prefer a dress over a skirt. I didn't want to wear either of them out. I want to wear something casual. Casual but put together. Does that even make sense?

We walked into my room and I saw clothes laid out on my bed. I turned my head giving a quick smile before picking up my arranged outfit. It was an off the shoulder top with ripped overalls.

"I like it." I chirped.

Joy raised and eyebrow and crossed her arms. "Well obviously you like it." She scoffed. "That's all?"

"It's very me and not much you?"

I took a deep breath, "What I meant is thank you." She smiled.

The doorbell rang soon after and my heart starting ramming into my chest. I think Joy noticed my sudden mood change 'cause she quickly stepped forward. "Get fully ready and I'll get the door. This date will go just fine."

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