Chapter 7- Cabin In The Woods

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Happiness is only real when shared - Into The Wild

Oceans POV:

The last two weeks went by fast. I ended up missing a day to get my done and ready for the cabin.

And I know what you're thinking. What type of hair takes 8 hours to do? Well my friend welcome to the life a black women.

I already finished packing my stuff since we somehow managed to finish an hour early. I packed two suitcases. Don't judge! It's a trip for two weeks and I had to bring some back up clothes.

I had just put my things downstairs and sat down to relax. Too bad my relaxation didn't last a minute 'cause right when I sat down a car horn went off.

"This damn cabin better be worth it." I muttered getting back up and opening the door so I could drag my suitcases out to the car.

Once I placed my belongings in the truck; a very large truck might I add, I sat next to Joy who had gone to school since she had nothing to do. That and my aunt wouldn't let her skip for no reason. I began looking around and noticed there was no Axel. Did he change his mind? Maybe Jenna said she didn't want him to go.

Rose looked at me. "We have to go back for him since he wasn't done yet." She said pulling out of my drive way. "He actually doesn't live far from you." She continued her eyes focused on the road.

"Really?" I began putting my seat belt on since I forgot due to some....distracting thoughts.

"Yeah he's about 7 minutes from here and that's like a 15 or so minute walk." Joy said. For some odd reason I was happy about that. Like really happy. Yeah Ocean, imma need you to calm the fuck down. My obnoxious inner voice said whilst I rolled my eyes.

"I like your hair by the way, don't think I've seen it done before." I laughed softly at Aaron's compliment.

"Thanks, but it's been done before I was even alive." Carter smiled while I raised an eyebrow waiting for whatever was going to come out his mouth.

"Ah, rocking the ancient hair. Nice!" He said adding a wink at the end which granted him a slap on the back of his head from Rose. We all laughed while Carter was pouting.

Believe it or not shortly after all that I fell asleep...again. But I'm my defense I didn't get much sleep last night and when I'm tired, time is nonexistent. I could be knocked out in a second. I was awoken by a jolt noticing we were now in the woods.

I looked outside my window, "I'm just going to guess this isn't the cabin." I said looking at the three story house-scratch that mansion.

"This is where a lot of the people from school liv-hang out." Aaron spoke from the other side of Joy.

I gave him a confused look. I thought we were picking up Axel? Why would people from school hang out all the way here? Carter from the passengers seat noticed my confusion and spoke.

"It's sort of like one big family. We've known each other for too long. Axel doesn't live here but he does spend some time here and this is where we're picking him up." I nodded but it seemed weird. I don't know like the whole thing was scripted. I thought about just shaking that thought from my head.

I stepped out the car and waited for everyone else to do as well and followed them. They suddenly stopped causing me to stop successfully without bumping into anyone of them and loosing my balance.

"Ocean you don't mind going up there to get him would you?" Not by myself. I thought and was about to say no till she spoke again. "Joy can go up there with you."

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