Chapter 13- Trust

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What good are wings without the courage to fly - Atticus

\\Ocean's POV//

Walking down the school corridors I could help but observe things. It's what I do and it's quite interesting what you might find. I'm just much more aware of my surroundings when I'm feeling a bit down.

Like all the fake smiles plastered on faces. All the ones who bottle up their emotions. When I'm looking around, I find it quite shocking how people are so oblivious to others true feelings. I suppose maybe they just didn't care to look much into it.

"Ocean!" I heard a voice exclaim jumping me back from my thoughts. I turned around and saw Rose running to me with a happy face. Not wanting her mood to be brought down by me I put on a smile.

"Hey Rose, how's it been?" She smiled when she caught up to me. I've been trying not to act awkward around everyone lately. After Joy technically said this town had a secret, or may I say, our group had a secret. I've been feeling all weird hanging out with them. It's not that I don't want to it's just sad knowing people you're supposed to be friends with are keeping stuff from you.

Actually, if I'm being honest that's not what's bother me. I'm keeping my past from them so I can't be a hypocrite and judge them when I'm doing the exact same thing. But what's really bothering me is that they told Joy and not me. I'm happy they trust her and all but I'd rather not be the odd man out.

I don't want to be that friend in the group that knows they're the least important one there, and it wouldn't matter if I were there or not 'cause it wouldn't make a difference. I want to be apart of the group. I mean if they told Joy why not me too? Why is Joy keeping this from as well? We tell each other everything. At least I thought we did.

I stopped my face from dropping and continued my act. "Well, I was wondering since Joy's going to be hanging out with Aaron this Friday and no one else is home with you maybe you-"

"I'm not throwing a party." I stated immediately.

She rolled her eyes. "I wasn't going to say that." She faked coughed. "As I was saying," She said glaring at me. "Maybe you could sleep over my house." She smiled widely.

"I can't." Immediately shot out my mouth. She looked taken back before sadness and curiosity lurked through her face.

"Why not?"

What's a nice way to tell someone you don't want to hang out with them because that someone happens to live with your major crush that everyone's being trying to get you alone with. Including the person currently inviting you to sleepover.

"Homework." I shot out.

"You can just do it at my house." She composed. I gave her an unsure look. Come on Ocean. I stopped thinking of excuses once she spoke again. "Come on please. We've never hung out just the two of us." I sighed knowing she was right.

She was still my friend and I should keep trying to get to know her. I'm dumb to even go so far as to almost not go over her house because of a guy. "Why not." I shrugged. She squealed hugging me tightly before dragging me to class.

English is not my forte. But that wasn't the only thing on my mind at the moment. Maybe I should talk to them about it? No. I mean I don't want to force it on them but at the same time maybe if I let it known that I know something's up they'll feel more comfortable talking to me about it. Maybe they're just scared to bring up the topic.

I sighed. I'm sure I'm just overthinking this. Whatever it is they'll tell me when they're ready. I mean, it can't be that bad or big. Can it? Nah. I'm sure it's fine.

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