Chapter 5- Tears Don't Fall

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Loving someone who doesn't love you back is like waiting for a ship at an airport, hopeless and disappointing  - Unknown

Oceans POV:

Once I stepped into history class Joy almost immediately ripped me away from Axels arms that were unknowingly on my shoulders, it felt sort of...empty when Joy took me. I heard the same animalistic growl that happened earlier so I turned and saw Axels once bright eyes almost dark as night. I was about to ask him if he were alright feeling the strange need to comfort him when Joy grabbed my head and turned it so all my attention was on her.

"I missed you!" She whisper-yelled.

"You saw me an hour ago." I said chuckling.

Her eyes narrowed, "Are you saying you didn't miss me?" Like I said, I'm not sure why or how I deal with her and all her crazy mood swings.

"Of course I did geez, calm down would ya?" I joked causing her to roll her dark brown eyes.

During our exchange she beamed about meeting some cute guy and asked if she could sit next to him and across from me, since there were two partner tables conjoined making it 4 people per table. I honestly didn't care, I mean even if we hadn't sat near each other we live together.

Once I sat down Joy immediately started to introduce us. "Aaron this is the person I was talking about Ocean, Ocean this is Aaron." She rushed out gesturing her hands towards me then him and vice versa.

He seemed calm, like if your overthinking or stressed out he's the type of guy you'd go to. He nodded as his has dark brown bobbed with him.

"Hey, nice to meet you." I paused. "Weren't you one the guys that came in late to English last hour with Axel?" I asked. Is it me or am I becoming less and less shy? I mean not much but I talked to someone first twice now! Maybe this new country new me is changing some things for me.

"Yeah that was me, nice to meet you as well, Joy was just telling me about you." He commented.

I smiled and fixed my eyes to Joy, "So I've heard." I inquired narrowing my eyes in a tantalized manner.

She rolled her eyes smiling. "Ah! What did I say your eyes will get stuck." I teasingly chided.

"Ocean," she said speaking slowly. "I'd appreciate it if you reminded yourself how many times you roll your eyes a day." She finished.

I smirked in cautionary way, "Well," I started. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk as if I were a child." I said.

"Well I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk like you were an old women." She retorted emphasizing the "I'd."

"Well I'd appreciate it if you got a better education so we could talk like that together." I continued.

"Ocean look around and tell me where we are." Joy stated jadedly. I looked around aware of what she meant but before I could say anything she spoke. "School that's where we are, and what do we do here?" I wasn't about to answer 'cause I'm sure she'd answer her own question. "Learn that's what we do." She argued.

I yawned as if I were bored of this topic. "Nice to know you're well aware of the place you'll be spending two extra years in." I joked smiling innocently.

She glared in my direction as I did the same till we burst out laughing wondering how in fact we got here.

"Well that was entertaining." An unknown voice said beside me causing Joy and I to jump.

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