Chapter 22- story time

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Only someone who can say 'I love you' is capable of saying 'I forgive you.' - Paulo Coehlo


Trust. That's a big thing. It's scary 'cause you're never really sure if the person your putting your trust in is right. But I mean, what can go wrong?

- O.P

Joy's POV

She's scared.

I can see it every time she fakes a smile when someone talks to her. I see how she's puts her guard up. I see how she overthinks everything. I can see how it's slowly killing her.

She's never been in a relationship before so she doesn't know how to handle things. She likes control and you can't have that in a relationship. It's ball of unpredictable surprises.

Axel doesn't know, but she'll pull away eventually. She's head over heels for the guy but I have a feeling she doesn't know herself. Even if she did she would never admit it right away. At least out loud.

The poor girls insecure. Ever since her dad left she's been breaking more and more everyday. I hate it. She's my best friend but won't even talk to me. Everything I know now is only what I've seen.

Gracyn said Axel and her were supposed to gain trust in each other but I wasn't stupid. Axel's been trusted her. The whole stupid stunt with Jenna probably just maximized his trust. I knew Gracyn meant Ocean had to learn trust.

I continue to watch her and every once in a while her wall breaks down and her whole face falls before that damn smile is plastered back on. She's needs to tell Axel why she's so closed off before we loose her. Call me selfish but I can't loose my best friend.

I know she's trying but she's doing it all wrong. She's trying to work it out by herself. Thinking she's got this since she's always been that type of girl. How was she expected to trust Axel with her secrets when she can't even trust me. When she can't even trust her family. When she doesn't even trust herself.

I sigh running my fingers through my hair. I prayed she'd let me help her. Even just once. Let me do anything to ensure I'll always have her. I don't want to loose her. I won't.

"You worry to much." I jumped at the voice behind me. I looked to see Gracyn walking towards me. "I know your worried but you shouldn't. She'll figure it out....eventually." She nodded.

I forced a smile instead of responding. I missed her. Me, Ocean, and her used to be so close. I remember Ocean went through hell after she lost her. Having her around will take some getting used to I can say that.

"Hey," Aaron greeted coming up behind me with a quick kiss. I immediately leaned on his body.

"There are kids around." Gracyn hissed playfully.

I shrugged, "So leave."

She glared at me before rolling her eyes. Her eyes made her way to Axel who was ogling Ocean. Aaron told me he felt for him. Not only because he was his best friend but because of how the mate things been taking a toll on him.

Don't get me wrong, he's over the moon excited to have her. It's just he's broken because he sees she doesn't trust him yet. He wants to protect her and love her but Ocean doesn't see that. At least not fully. She's so oblivious when it comes to guys and flirting it's hilariously frustrating. I want to strangle her but laugh at the same time.

"I feel bad for the guy. He's probably really sexually frustrated." Carter said coming up to us covered in glitter with a tiara on. I shook my head as Rose smacked his forehead. I could tell Ocean didn't like him as much. Well, not as much as before. I don't hate the guy but I don't like what he suggested for Axel to do. He doesn't know it but he helped make Ocean take a huge step back from Axel.

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