Chapter 6- Wolfy

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Axels POV:

Driving home I couldn't wipe the smile off my face, I had just met my mate.
But she's human, I'm not sure what mom and dad would think though. Well actually I'm sure mom would be over-joyed. It's my dad I'm worried about.

I had wanted to give her a ride but thought better of it. I hated myself when Jenna came up and kissed me and I did nothing to stop her. I almost slapped myself for hurting her like that; though everyone at the table might have fallen for her 'I'm not hurt' act I knew better. I just wanted to I don't know...somehow show her I wasn't good for her. I'm just not sure what to do. I was so far in my thoughts I didn't even notice I was home.

"Alright, just act....casual. Yeah be...normal." I muttered stepping out the car. For some reason my mom could always detect any secret I was kept from her and I really didn't want her to know I found my mate. I mean not sure if I'm going to reject her or not. Just thinking about her dark brown eyes brought a smile to my- NO! STOP! Act normal.

I took a deep breath and stepped inside the pack house, there were people in the living room that gave a small bow once they noticed me, they had to show some form of respect since I was their future alpha.

My family and I don't live in the pack house but my fathers office is here, so I usually spend a lot of my time here. My house is only a little ways from the pack house though.

'Son meet me in my office.' I gave them all a curt nod after responding to my father saying I was heading there now. I walked upstairs following the hallways to my fathers office. Once I came across his door I just opened it and sat down. Usually I'd knock but he knew I was coming and even if he hadn't he would be able to smell me.

He was behind his desk doing some paperwork with my mom in his lap. That's how I want my mate and I to be, but sadly it might not happen. They both looked up as I coughed; although with their wolf senses they should know it was me. Almost immediately my mother began watching me carefully almost looking like she was studying me. I'll take that as a no hi today. I gulped and quickly turned my eyes to my father. I hope she doesn't know.

He put the papers he was working on to the side and met my gaze. "It's nothing big, I just wanted to give you a quick update really." I nodded. Being the alpha soon I'd have to know how to handle things so my dad gives me updates on what's happening and shows me how to handle certain situations. Of course the Luna is suppose to be here with me but you know....the whole human thing.

"Rogues had been spotted near our borders but it's wasn't nothing out of the ordinary and I've already taken care of that. We also have some new members we have to enroll in the school." He said.

"That's all I really wanted you to know. You may leave now." I nodded and was about to speed walk my way out since I had been feeling my mom's eyes burning into my soul throughout this whole conversation.

I stood up about ready to dart out of there but was stopped by my moms voice, "Who is she?" My eyes widened she couldn't have known. Not possible! she can't be that good.

"I don't know who this she you're talking about is." I said playing dumb.

She glared at me, "Don't play dumb with me boy I know the look when you've finally found your mate." I sighed and cursed inwardly at myself for not being more secretive. I looked at my dad and his eyes widened with joy. Don't hold on to that expression.

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