Chapter 23 - With Good comes Bad

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This chapter is dedicated to @mickeyismebabe thank you for always commenting <3

Love the people God gave you 'cause one day, he'll take them back

I watch with little interest as Joy argues with Carter of how Kylie is the new Kim Kardashian. My eyes drift over to Axel who is laughing at whatever Aaron said.

I love you

Never would I have thought I'd say those words. I can't help but smile as I think about it. A large part of my doubt ripped away after telling Axel that story. I know because of what happened next.

I plopped on the bed like some lovesick teenager; Which I technically was. Sighing with a content smile I get for bed so I can relive the moment in my dreams.

I reached to turn off the light when I in the corner of the room. Normally I'd all terrified and crap but then...I was just pissed.

It's one the to come in the day time to try and capture my body but at night. No. That's my time and my time only. You do not get to ruin my beauty sleep.

"What do you want?" I whine.

It takes a step forward making me furrow my brows.

"I don't know what game you're playing but try some shit and I'll grab a vacuum to suck your ass up." I warn. Look at me talking to past emotional me's like its normal.

Suddenly she's right in front of me and before I could grab the vacuum her hand is over my eyes as I feel them roll back.


I was in the kitchen.

I could clearly see that. I wonder- wait a I dreaming or is that little hoe slowly possessing my body. If so she's going to be majorly shocked.

I have abs.....solutely nothing. Unless you count flabs as abs, then I have flipping 10 pack.

"We don't need a clown anyways." I hear my aunt say. I look up and see her talking to Joy and me? I'm guessing this is either a dream or my theory before since none of them seem to notice the other me. Wait would I be present or future Ocean?

I gape at her, "So you mean to tell me I wasted my money on somethings we don't even need." I try to mute all the questions bouncing around in my brain and focus on what's in front of me.

If I'm correct this was before Aliyah's birthday party. Maybe there's something I had to see.

I guess I was too deep in my thoughts because the next thing I see is my aunt and Joy leaving as I turn to Joy.

Wait what?

I blink and rub my eyes repeatedly but still all I see is Joy. I step closure till I'm behind myself and look closely into her eyes.

Suddenly her eyes meet with mine causing me to stumble back. She can see me. It wasn't a question because it was clear as day.

I watch her smirk obviously noticing my head spinning. I watch as her body altered. Too frightened to blink ,so much as scream or run I stand there like a fool. Unknown to the time that has past it all seemed so fast, now standing before me was a completely different person.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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