Chapter 20- Redue

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Oh yes, the past can hurt. But from the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it. - The Lion King

"How can one faint so much?" I heard. I opened my eyes quickly closing them as bright light blinded my vision.

"Sorry hun." I heard Jane apologize as squeaking sounds followed.

I opened my eyes again blinking a few times trying to let everything settle in. For some reason I felt drained.

"Hey Ocean," I turned to see Joy at my side. "Mrs. White's going to check your vitals and etc, Kay?"

"I'm not six." I grumbled as Jane told me to take a couple breaths in and out. "Where's Axel?" My voice came out harsh and dry. Joy noticed and handed me some water.

"I forced him out and told him to go take a shower. He was freaking out...we all were." I frowned at that. This had to be my hundredth time fainting what was so different. I didn't get to ask because a frantic Axel bust through the door in a towel.

"Ocean, are you okay?" He said lifting my arms and looking around to if I was okay. "Don't every do that to me again you freaked me out." He sighed placing his forehead on mine.

"Why is everyone so freaked out? This isn't a first? I wasn't out for long, was I?" I knew I was asking a lot of questions but hey, I was interested.

He shook his head, "No worse. We were watching the movie when not even five minutes in you fell asleep. Everyone said you were probably tired but I didn't buy it. I went to check on you and realized you weren't breathing trying not to freak out I checked your pulse and felt nothing." My breathing hitched in my throat.

"So...I was..."

"Yeah," he nodded. "You were dead. For a good thirty minutes to." I then recalled everything that happened. Was it all a crazy nightmare? Impossible, it felt real.

"Wait, you said I fell asleep during the movie?" He nodded. "How's that possible? We went to the tree house to talk." I felt weird like something had bypassed through me. It felt cold, cold and sad.

"Ocean, we never went to the treehouse. I was busy trying to wake you up." I looked in his eyes seeing nothing but confusion. You're too late. Was this what the little girl was talking about? Who was that creepy woman? "There was a girl though." My eyes shot up. It couldn't be could it? "I was reluctant to let her in but she said you'd know her. That she knew what was happening."

"She does and I do." I froze. My breathing stopped, my heart no longer beating. The familiar voice causing a shiver to run down my spine. A voice from the past. It couldn't be? This isn't real. I'll wake up and we'll still be watching that movie.

I turned around as I felt my face pale. "No," I shook my head. I could feel Axel tense up at my reaction. "You're not real. This isn't real." Maybe I was in denial. I'd prefer being called a realist.


"Gracyn," I breathed.

"Gracyn?" I heard Carter ask pointing to her from the doorway. "As in dead Gracyn? The deceased girl with the necklace? How are you alive?" If I weren't to shocked I probably would've backhanded him and then given him a high five 'cause I wanted to know too.

"You," She said pointing at Carter need to go. "Need to go." I looked to my side and realized Axel was already gone. Wow, thanks. I thought sarcastically.

She shut the door and walked towards me sittting in the seat Axel was in before. "You were the little girl." It wasn't a question. Ever since she told me to look into her eyes I had my suspicion but always pushed to the side telling myself I was crazy.

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