Chapter 16- Trust

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In a relationship, honesty and trust must exist. If they don't, there's no point in loving. So if you can't afford to be honest, stay single. - Pinterest  

\\Ocean's POV//

"Ocean, I'm scared." Mom and dad were fighting again. It wasn't a surprise anymore but lately it seemed to be getting worse.

"Hey, it's okay remember, I've got you." I assured, wiping my sisters tears. Their fights have been becoming more often. I'm scared it'll grow to something more; something physical.

"Promise?" She stuck her pinky out.

I smiled, "On my life." I swore wrapping my pinky around hers.


Darkness was all I saw. I couldn't feel any of emotion and in that moment I wasn't sure if I wanted to feel scared or if I felt I had to. "What the hell was that?!" I shouted into the hollow place. "Showing me some sick memory, to what? Torture me?!" My voice echoed as I just stood their waiting, for something. Anything. "Hey! Anyone hear me?!" I continued.

I sighed getting frustrated. "Hello," I jumped at the sound. I looked around but found no one around me. Oh, please tell me I'm not going crazy, I mentally prayed. The voice chuckled, "I can assure you, you're not." I turned and saw a girl behind me.

"Who are you?" I queried. She said nothing but stared at me. She looked familiar, I observed her for a short time 'till I jumped back. "Hell no! You got me bent!" I began running but to nowhere. I didn't even seem like I was moving. Like I couldn't.

"Ocean," she tried taking a step forward.

I flinched, "Stay the hell away from me! You caused this!" I shouted at the little girl I saw in Axel's backyard. "What do you want some sacrifice?! I don't play games with the Devils demons." She looked hurt by my statement. I pondered why for a second until I remembered that it was her that brought me here.

"Please, I'm not here to hurt you."

"Right 'cause leaving a piercing scream in my head causing me to faint, sure doesn't seem like you don't want to hurt me." I retaliated.

"Look at my eyes."

"What type of weir-"

"Just look." I sighed, hopefully I'm doing the right thing here. I gazed at her eyes, taking in the familiar features. I felt automatic trust forming like I'd known her for years. It felt like I had known her years ago.

"Do I know you?" She nodded.

"You do. But I don't have much time to explain, I need you to listen to me." I nodded, still trying to figure out why she seemed so familiar. "You need to ask Axel what he is. He needs to tell you." That snapped me out of my detective mode.

"What? He's human, you're making no sense." Her face hardened. I don't think I've ever seen someone look so serious.

"You know that's not true. You've suspected it yourself, and I know you've been doing some research." I gulped.

"How do you-"

"Now isn't the time. Ocean, you need him to get you to tell him. If he tells you at the wrong time everything will be thrown off balance and you won't be able to focus." She warned.

I tired putting together what she was trying to say but it wasn't adding up. "Why is it so important?"

She shook her head. "I'm not allowed to tell you." She sighed, "I was sent to guide you." I groaned, there goes the "I can't tell you crap" again. I'm tired of it.

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