Chapter 17- Fools Gold

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I guess the reason why betrayal hurts so much is because it never comes from your enemies. - P.O

\\ Axel's POV//

I didn't mean that. When she asked me what I was I didn't mean to flip out like that. And when she came out of that pool she wasn't even breathing. If I had just left her alone. "I messed bad." I groaned burying my head in my hands.

"I'd say." Aaron scoffed.

"Not helping."

"What do you except me to say?" He asked looking up from his phone. "You did the right thing by flipping out and calling her bitch instead of telling her the truth? I don't think so." I growled at him.

"Oh get over yourself. I'm not telling you this as your beta, I'm telling you this as your friend." His voice was firm. "You have no power on me in that area." I was still mad at how he talked to me but he was right. Of course he was.

"Alright lovebirds enough with the bickering." Carter cut in. "So you and Ocean had a bit of a fight, that's okay. What if I told you I had a plan?" I shook my head.

"No offense Carter but none of your plans go to plan."

"But this is the real deal!" He argued. "I got it from a book." He chirped.

"You don't read." Aaron muttered.

"I didn't finish the book but the plan seems full proof." I looked at him unsure.

"Fine." I gave in. "What's your plan?" I wish luck to whoever ends up with him as a mate. They'll end up giving in to anything.

\\Ocean's POV//

"What if she doesn't wake up on time?"

"She will." My eyes flew open but my body felt numb. I couldn't even speak, small whimpers were heard but I suppose only in my ears since no one responded.

"She's my best friend I should've been watching over her." Joy. It was Joy who sobbed. Oh, she shouldn't blame herself.

"It's not your fault. You know that, right?" I heard a sigh.

"I know," I continued to try and move my hands 'till I finally made a fist. "But I was the one who urged her to go." Urged or not, she should know it was my choice.

"We both did."

"I swear I'm gonna skin Ron alive." Joy growled.

"I second that." I coughed out, finally able sit straight up.

"Ocean," she ran up to me and hugged me tightly. I thought it was all fine and dandy 'till she hit me over the head.


"Don't ever do that to me again!" She pointed an accusing finger at me.

"Sorry mom. It wasn't exactly part of my plan to go drowning." We both chortled at that.

"Unbelievable," We turned to Rose. Man, I forgot she was in here for a sec. "Two minutes ago we didn't know when you'd wake up and now, you guys a chuckling at your almost death experience." I couldn't help but breath out a small laugh. When she puts it like that, I think something is mentally wrong with me.

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