Chapter 18- Memories

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I don't need anger management. I need people to stop pissing me off -Tumblr

Ocean's POV
Trying to keep my mind off the current situation I was in, I was laying down humming Sorry by Beyoncé. "Could you stop being so annoying?" Man I hate this girl.

I lifted my head, "Could you stop breathing? No? Okay then." With that, I continued humming.

"Is that a phone?" I perked my ears up to listen when I felt a slight vibration.

"Oh my gosh my phone!" I have never been so happy someone called me. I was told you couldn't get any single down here.

"Hello," I answered without looking at the ID.

"Oh my gosh Ocean," Joy breathed. "I thought you died. Where are you?" I rolled my eyes. Not because of her but because that just reminded me of my position.

"In the school," I groaned.

"I fucking told you we should've headed back for her." I heard Rose say in the background.

"What happened?" That's the question I was waiting for.

"Long story, but since we have nothing but time," I sighed leaning my back on a wall. "Basically, Jenna decided it would be a fabulous idea to lock me in the school's basement during the storm. To make the story shorter she ended up locking us both in here."

I heard some mumbling before Joy spoke. "I swear Axel I'm going to kill you and your little bitch!" Dang that girls got some lungs. I thought momentarily removing the phone from my ears.

"I heard that!"

"Honestly Jenna," I said covering the speaker on the phone. "I don't think she gives a crap."

"Is she on the phone? Give it to me!" I heard shuffling before an unwanted voice went though the line. "Ocean! Oh my gosh are you okay? I'm so sorry." His voice held nothing but depressing honesty but all I felt was anger.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said as if it were nothing. "Could you tell Joy and them I'll talk to them later?" I could've cussed him out, but I'd rather do that in person.

"Wait Ocean-"

"Nice talking bye." End.

I wanted to talk to the rest of them but I knew Axel wouldn't allow that. He'd want to talk about our situation then and there. But I didn't want to do that on the phone. Things get misinterpreted on the phone so I usually go with a more face-to-face kind of approach.

"You really hate him, huh?" Stop talking I don't like you. "I hope it has nothing to do with me." She taunted. I've heard the school had no cameras down here. "I just don't get why you couldn't leave Axel alone?" Therefore there'd be no evidence if I killed her. "Why is he so important to you anyways?" Dang it! I told Joy I was with her. Oh well, next time. "I mean Axel obviously isn't into girls like you."

"Really? 'Cause I don't recall him asking about you on the phone." Why does this even matter? We should be talking about her mental state. Locking someone in the basement for a guy is not what most people would usually consider normal. I hope.

She ignored my comment, "I just don't know what he sees in you." I think she meant that more to her than me.

"Well I don't know when I asked for your opinion." She glared at me. "But here you are, still talking." This time she rolled her eyes.

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