Chapter 19- Tick Tok

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If you know me please read the message at the bottom.

I wish I could hurt you the way you hurt me. But I know that if I had the chance, I wouldn't do it.

Axel's POV

Silence. Not the comfortable kind that'll make you think of all the good things, or the one where you secretly glance at your crush. No. The kind that could actually drive you insane having you and plead for some type of noise. Some type of voice.

How can something be so quite yet so deafening?

She looked at the shiny metal in her hands, swirling it around. She stared at it almost like she thought it would soon disappear.

She has a sister. Or should I say had? She's probably confused, curious to how this object came into our house. Well, I can't say I'm not as confused as she is.

"I need to go." Her voice was so soft. I almost missed it. Almost.

"Wait," I stepped in front of her. "Can we please talk?"

Anger. Ire. That was that laced her features. But I couldn't help describe her as beautiful. "Talk," her voice was low and menacing. She looked as if she was about to continue when she looked down on my brothers sleeping form, who I almost forgot about, and walked out the room too fast for me to stop her.

I closed the door behind me following her. "Wait," I turned her around after a few steps. "Please, I want to talk to you." I pleaded.

"You mean like when I told you I wanted to talk later at the party? I found my dead sisters necklace in your house and you think it'd be a spectacular idea to talk, now?" I don't know what to do or say. No one other than my parents have spoken to me like that.

"I'm sorry?" I tried. Gosh, I'm an idiot.

She scoffed, "Wow, that's not sad." She sarcastically said before walking off. "I guess it's my turn to make you jealous since your proposing the idea to talk." She shrugged. "Let me go see if Carter thinks it's a good idea first." Crap, she knew. How? She wasn't even near us when we made the plan. I would've sensed her.

Anger poured down on my body as I thought of another man touching her, even being near her. Quickly I caught up to her and pinned her on the wall. "Mine." I growled. She didn't look surprised, of anything she looked bored.

She sucked in some air through her teeth, creating a hissing sound. "Yeah you see this isn't a slave trade. Better luck next time though." I sighed letting go of her hands but keeping the proximity the same. I watched as she avoided looking into my eyes, and she tried to act as if our propinquity wasn't bothering her.

"I'm sorry." I said again sounding firm.

Again she scoffed, "Are you?"

"I am." I messed up I know. But I'm sorry, doesn't that justify anything? I can't stand her being mad at me. It takes all the self control I have to keep my wolf a bay and with her mad at me, oh gosh.

"Prove it." With that she pushed me slightly giving her enough space to leave. She couldn't have taken that opportunity an faster. I watched her till she disappeared and came back to my senses and followed her.

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